Sunday, August 12, 2012

Day Two Hundred Twenty Five

Dear Readers,
      Why won't the heat go away?  It is sweltering this weekend.  When Raina and I finally buy our house, there will be a requirement to either have air conditioner or a pool.  I just can't handle this heat without either one anymore.  All the three fans in our room does is push around the already hot air.  Watching Olympic events on the DVR inside of a sauna.  At least we got up early this morning and kind of beat the heat a little during our run.  We went out early this morning to Huntington Beach for our long run of the week.  We made it 5.5 miles today.  Continuing to get back into running shape for the half marathon.  Running a solid three miles or so a few times during the week and then a long run on either Saturday or Sunday.  The same kind of running schedule we had for the last half marathon, which worked out well enough for me to finish and I can't ask for anything more this time around.  Okay, maybe shave a few minutes off my time.  That would be cool.  Running down at the beach is much nicer then running around here.  Just in a matter of degrees difference from Bellflower to the beach, it is that much cooler.  Then there is the breeze that can be wonderful at times out there. I can't wait for the heat to die down.
      We spent our evening celebrating Brandon's birthday again.  This time, a barbeque and hang out over at Chris and Kelly's house.  There just so happens to be a pool over there, so it was perfect time to take the swim trunks and jump in.  Makes me really want one.  I could swim all day if I could.  Just enjoying the cool water, jumping in over and over again, and even getting a little sun to avoid being pale all summer.  Then of course, we ate like kings and queens with another helping of delicious carne asada, rice and beans.  Topping it all off with some awesome pie made by Liz.  Banana cream pie and snickers pie.  It really is a good thing I have been working out, just to counteract all the eating I have been doing this week.  I think the eating habits are going to have to change in order for any of the workouts to show some kind of improvement.  I just love good food.  One of my many vices. 

This Day In History: 1908
Henry Ford's first Model T, affectionately known as the "Tin Lizzie", rolls off the assembly line in Detroit, Michigan.  The Model T revolutionized the automotive industry by providing an affordable, reliable car for the average American.

Born This Day: 1925
Ross and Norris McWhirter - Twins who compiled and edited the Guinness Book of Records.

"If the lessons of history teach us anything it is that nobody learns the lessons that history teaches us."

In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the lion sleeps tonight.

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