Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Day Two Hundred Eighteen

Dear Readers,
      I have made it home safe and sound.  It was a long day though.  We left Scott's house at about 9:30AM and drove straight home except for a quick stop for gas and a bite to eat at Burger King.  It was a straight shot, having to pass up a ton of slow cars and trucks on the two lane highway in the middle of the desert.  Not a bad drive other then the traffic we hit once we got on the 91 freeway.  It all worked out and we made good time home.  I dropped the other guys off and headed over to the park.  Raina was watching Micah, so we decided it would be a good day to have another park day.  Brandon, Brooke, Chris, Liz, Raina, Micah and I went over to Rossmoor Park, which has become out go to park for hanging out.  There is so much more room for activities.  Even with a huge group there along with us, there was enough room to make it still feel uncrowded.
      I think we found out that we are ready for another soft ball league.  Brandon was out there hitting balls with us and he was taking the cover off the ball.  Chris has played for years and can play defense and hit, while I have a season under my belt and am ready for more.  Maybe we can convince the girls to play with us.  Wouldn't that be something.  As long as Liz doesn't nail Raina in the shin with another softball while batting, like she did a couple weeks ago.  Liz tagged the ball hard enough to actually leave an impression of the stitching from the ball on Raina's shin.  Poor Raina was in pain, but it was pretty funny.
      Playing with Micah at the park was a blast, even as tired as I was.  He makes me laugh whenever he copies whatever I might be saying, or even when he tries to copy the sounds I make.  He was copying my whistle that I was doing while pushing him on the swing.  I now have him saying in a cookie monster voice, "Hungry!".  Maybe it isn't cookie monster, but I couldn't think of a better way of describing it.  It was also funny to see Micah become afraid of a younger kid.  He couldn't stop staring at this other kid who was half his age and probably half his size.  He got so scared of him that when the younger kid started to get close, he ran to me and held tight to my leg.  It was pretty funny, considering he can be a bully to his older cousins.  Just shy I guess.
      Even though I was completely tired after the weekend out of town, it was great to be back and a fun day at the park.  Plus I got a fantastic dinner of spaghetti with Italian sausage.  Yum.

This Day In History: 1884
The cornerstone for the Statue of Liberty is laid at Bedloe's Island (now known as Liberty Island), New York.  On October 28, 1886, U.S. president Grover S. Cleveland accepted the actual statue as a gift to the United States from the people of France.

Born This Day: 1930
Neil Armstrong - American astronaut, first man to set foot on the moon.

"What the world needs is more geniuses with humility, there are so few of us left."
-Oscar Levant

Just Do It!

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