Sunday, August 19, 2012

Day Two Hundred Thirty Two

Dear Readers,
      Why won't the heat finally go away?  The heat was supposed to start dissipating, but it feels like it actually got a little hotter today compared to yesterday.  All I wanted to do was stay out of the heat and find a place with air conditioner, all day long.  Except for my run this morning.  Trying to beat the heat, we went out running early, around 7:45AM.  It was still warm out, but not as warm as it got later today.  I am not completely sure how far I made it today, because I ran a new route along the riverbed.  I am guessing it was about five miles.  About a mile shorter than I wanted to get to today, but my body has been really sore from hitting the weights at the gym lately.  Working my way into better shape.
       After church today, it was lunch in any place with an air conditioner, which was Frescas.  Then an attempt to have another day at the park.  It wasn't bad in the shade with the breeze.  Unfortunately, it was too hot to be doing any frisbee throwing out under the sun.  So it was relaxing under the shade until we headed over to Chris and Liz's house, to take advantage of their air conditioner.  Using them for their cool house.  After that run it was just a lazy day of sitting anywhere we could cool down a little bit.  Just too hot to be doing anything outdoors and too hot to be hanging out in our room without any air conditioner.  Not to mention that our window fan just went out yesterday.  It is a dual window fan that can be used to bring in the cool air, or send out the hot air.  One of the two fans busted and hasn't been giving us enough cool air at night to sleep comfortably.  Unfortunately, there is no place that is selling any kind of fan right now.  We have searched high and low.  Target, Wal Mart, Costco, Best Buy, Home Depot, Lowes, Kohls, Big Lots, Sams Club and multiple locations of each store.  I can't believe that nobody is carrying fans right now.  They could be making a killing with this heat wave we have been having.  Nope.  By the time they get some fans it, it will have cooled off and people won't need them like we have.  It will be just our luck to finally find one just as soon as the weather cools down.  I hate the heat.  Go away.
      We spent our evening having a farewell dinner for Raina's nephew, Jeremiah.  Who has been accepted to Point Loma University and leaves this friday for the Fall semester.  Wishing him well, praying for him and giving him what little advice we could.  My most important piece of advice, from my extensive experience of being away at college, was to not get kicked out.  Don't be dumb like I was and get yourself asked to leave.  I am sure he will do well at school, I just hope he completely takes advantage of this once in a lifetime experience to the fullest.  Carpe Diem.

This Day In History: 1692
Four men and one woman are convicted of witchcraft and hanged in Salem, Massachusetts.

Born This Day: 1871
Orville Wright - American aviator who, with his brother Wilbur, developed and flew the first powered airplane.

"The function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not more followers."
-Ralph Nader

My possible future?

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