Monday, August 6, 2012

Day Two Hundred Sixteen

Dear Readers,
      We made it out to Lake Havasu safe and sound.  It was a breeze of a drive without any traffic.  I guess you wouldn't expect much when you are driving in the middle of the night.  It only took us about four hours or so.  We got here and went right to bed.  Had to get up early enough to hurry up and get out on the lake.
      We woke up around 9:00AM and shoved off.  Stopping on the way to get some ice for the coolers and picking up a sandwich for being out on the water.  The sandwich shop actually made a pretty good stinking chicken salad sandwich.
      The guy who owns the boat we went out on is named Scott.  I work with him and the two other guys who went along, Ryan and Josh.  Scott has been going to Havasu for years before he bought a house out there.  He knows the lake and it's ins and outs.  Showing us all the cool things to see and some that most don't know about or can't find.  Showing us the tourist spots like London Bridge.  Which is the actual original London Bridge from England.  When they were planning on building the newest bridge, they sold the old one to the city in Havasu and had it transported overseas.  They brought it over in pieces and rebuilt it.  It seems like it would cost more to have it shipped then to just build a new one.  Either way, it is a piece of history that is pretty interesting.  It includes some bullet holes that came from England along with it.
      Scott also took us to a little cove that he has been going to for years.  A pretty nice little spot that would be perfect for a small group of friends to head to for a barbeque on the little beach there and a decent rock to jump off of.  Probably only about fifteen feet up.  Perfect for me.  I am too old to be jumping off the higher rocks from my youth.  The fear of heights is just too much for me.  Including the famous higher rock that I was trying to be convinced of jumping off of.  This one was great for jumping or diving.  It was still a little scary.  I think the worst part is the feeling of how long the falling is.  When you are watching someone jump it seems real short, but when you are the one falling it seems to last forever.  Those one or two seconds seems like one or two minutes.  At this point, I can't imagine how long it would seem while sky diving.  Either way I jumped off that rock a couple of times and had a blast swimming around and checking out the natural sights.  Including having the wind slap my face and flap my beard around as Scott took off across the lake at 64 MPH, which when it is your first time can be a little nerve racking.
      We finished off the night cooking up some hot links on the barbeque and heading to some place called McKees for some shuffleboard, pool and darts.  I don't think we got back to the house until after 2:30AM.  Just enough time to catch a little sleep and head out on the lake again the next day.

This Day In History: 1971
In the United States, English rock musician and former Beatle Paul McCartney forms a new band called Wings.

Born This Day: 1940
Martin Sheen - American actor

"The greatest mystery of all is the human heart, and that is the mystery with which all good novelists are concerned."
-P. D. James

Out on the lake.
Scott  showing us the sights

London Bridge

The hidden cove with are jumping rock.

Ryan trying to fish.

Just a small taste of all the boats on the water.

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