Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Day Two Hundred Twenty Seven

Dear Readers,
      I am opening up my blog to suggestions from anybody and everybody.  My imagination of what to discuss and talk about has gone blank and I feel like I have hit the doldrums.  I guess it is kind of like writers block.  I need a jump start.  Something to get my limited creative juices rolling again.  I guess I could start talking about my favorite soda, or where I like to shop the most.  Which would mean I would be talking about shopping, which sounds boring to me.  Maybe it might entertain somebody out there though. Who?  I have no idea.  By the way, I would say I spend most of my time shopping at Best Buy.  Guess I love spending money on movies, video games, computer items and other technology items.  Perhaps I could talk about growing up in drama team from my church.  I spent about four or five years in a drama team called Soul Patrol in middle school and high school at my church.  It included a summer missions trip every year.  Including going to the Olympics in Atlanta in 1996.  Maybe talking about competing in high school sports will interest people.  Or maybe my complete lack of interest in politics will get some surprised looks from people.  There is a part of me that wishes that I were be knowledgeable in what was going on in political current events, or know everything about what the presidential candidates stood for.  It just does not interest me enough to go out of my way to learn those kinds of things.  Am I starting to ramble, or is just me?  It really is amazing how a simple paragraph that started with me having no idea what I was going to talk about, can transform and go through subject changes to get to a point that you don't even realize how you got there.  Don't remember where you started.  Just like a conversation you might have with a friend, the subject matter changes and changes to where you can only remember glimpses of the conversation as a whole.  Amazing how poor our memories can be, especially mine.  Which could be another subject that I could talk about.  How my poor memory has gotten me into trouble over the last thirty years.  Which is quite a bit.  Now I just have to remember all the possible subjects I brought up tonight and talk about them in full later. 

This Day In History:1923
The American comic strip Felix the Cat debuts.

Born This Day: 1950
Gary Larson - American cartoonist (The Far Side)

"A man of action forced into a state of thought is unhappy until he can get out of it."
-John Galsworthy

The presidential Civil War hero beard.
Ulysses S. Grant

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