Saturday, September 1, 2012

Day Two Hundred Forty Five

Dear Readers,
      It is fantasy football time!  Probably my favorite time of year.  So much so that I am in three different fantasy football leagues.  Starting today with my first draft at 10:00AM, I begin another year of frustration, anguish and maybe a couple of moments of extreme happiness. This is the best part of the season, because of the hope that everybody has.  Before there is the results that you have to live with, there is the hope of a season where miracles happen and the season teeters in your direction.  It almost never happens that way though.  Although, every once and a great while, there is that magical season.  I have had it once in fantasy football.  It makes you want it again all that much more.  Unfortunately, my only team to win it all and have that magical season has been my most recent team that I have truly become a fan of, the Kings.  The teams that I grew up with, watching and hoping for miracles, have yet achieve the ultimate triumph.  I was alive the last time the Dodgers won I was six years old and too young to truly understand the magic of that season.  The last time the 49ers won, I was thirteen and was still figuring out the details and all the facets of the game to truly appreciate that one as well.  At least I did get to watch it and enjoy the win.  Then there is the Oregon Ducks, who have had some really good teams, but have yet to win the big one.  Close, but no cigar.  Including a devastating loss to Auburn in the National Championship game.  At least I have seen major bowl wins, including last years Rose Bowl win.  I guess I can't really say there hasn't been any of my teams to enjoy a big miracle season, because then there are the Lakers.  I have been able to enjoy multiple seasons with big wins and miracle shots.  My only thing is that of all the sports I enjoy watching and follow, basketball would have to be the one I follow least.  I am not as invested as I am with those other teams.  I have high hopes for my Ducks this year.  The season starts today and I am counting on a big win to start the season.  The 49ers start next week and they should be contenders this year too.  The first time, in fact, in probably about a decade.  The Dodgers have every opportunity to pull off a major turn around, and haven't taken advantage of it yet.  If they can, they are now built to go deep into the playoffs.  Wouldn't that be the ultimate year.  The Lakers are now set for a big season with their big trade for Dwight Howard and signing of Steve Nash.  And the Kings are returning their entire Stanley Cup team.  This year has the chance to be an amazing one for a fan such as myself.  That is what the beginning of every season brings.  Hope.  My hopes are usually never met, but I still do it.  Starting with fantasy football today.  My team is set and I am mostly happy with my draft.  Bring on the first game of the season, against my brother in law, Brandon.  Sorry to be dashing your hopes and dreams right away.

This Day In History: 1985
The Titanic was found by Dr. Robert Ballard and Jean Louis Michel in a joint U.S. and French expedition. The wreck site is located 963 miles northeast of New York and 453 miles southeast of the Newfoundland coast.

Born This Day: 1961
Scott "Bam Bam" Bigelow - Wrestler and actor.

"I don’t know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody."
-Bill Cosby

Count me in.

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