Saturday, June 30, 2012

Day One Hundred Eighty Two

Dear Readers,
      Okay, I am a little more refreshed today for tonight's blog.  The only downfall is that my Dodgers are playing pretty terrible right now.  I went to the game today and it was not fun.  Getting baked in the sun and watching the Dodgers eek out three measly hits.  Pretty depressing if you ask me.  Matt Kemp hurry back please.  Andre would be nice too.  I am heading to the game again tomorrow, so I am expecting a better showing.  Especially if Scott Van Slyke plays.  I watched him make some mental errors out there today, especially when he didn't run out first base on a ground ball.  He could have been safe instead of hitting into a double play.  Things like that make me upset.  If you do the little things, the big wins will come easier.  Tomorrow is the day they turn it back around.  I can feel it.  I wish I could go to Monday's game too.  It is Star Wars day at Dodger Stadium on Monday.  I would normally be all over that, but school takes precedence right now.  Besides, if I miss two and one half classes then I can be dropped.  That would be such a waste if I allowed that to happen.  So, hopefully there will be some people there that will root on the Dodgers on Star Wars day in my stead. 
      Well, yesterday was the big moving day.  We ended up moving just about everything last night.  One trip to the storage unit and one other to the new home.  I think the biggest difference between Brandon and Brooke's move compared to our own is the ratio of what went into storage and what went into the new home.  I am pretty sure we have more then twice as much stuff in the storage unit as we do here at our house.  While Brandon and Brooke have at least twice as much stuff at their new home as they do in their storage unit.  I think they have plenty of extra space in their storage unit too.  So if you need something stored and don't want to have to get a storage unit of your own, you should talk to Brandon about renting out a two by two foot section in their unit. 
      One thing that is pretty funny about having done this blog now for six months is that certain people are now acting a little different around me.  Take Brooke for example.  She is so worried about doing something around me that may end up in the blog that she really pays attention to what she is doing to prevent that from happening.  Including making sure she wrote all her labels on her boxes correctly.  Double checking the spelling.  Thinking that I might notice and post a picture of it on the blog.  She must realize that it is reactions like this that make it that much more enticing for me to find something to giver her a hard time about on this blog.  My one piece of advice would be to act like she doesn't care.  It wouldn't stop me from doing it, but at least it would keep me from actively looking for something to talk about.  Thanks Brooke.
      The difference between Brandon and myself in this whole moving thing that we are both doing, is that I am a minimalist, as far as deciding on what I needed to have with me at our new limited living space.  While Brandon is trying to squeeze as much stuff into their new place.  Things that are highly unlikely to be used, but there is that small percentage that says he could possibly use it.  Like his paintball stuff, that I think he may have used once in the last two years.  You just never know I guess.  The time might come when he actually has some spare time to go out paintballing within the next six or seven months.  Then there are his football shoulder pads he has.  Yes, I said football pads.  No, he doesn't play in a football league.  He bought them many years ago as a visual aid for one of his bible studies.  He has managed to hold onto them for quite a few years now.  Only for visual aid purposes.  Which I think may be about three times now.  The other part about this that is quite laughable is that they are junior size pads.  So when he puts them on, it looks like he is putting on some pop warner pads on.  I guess there is a possibility of those being used sometime soon too, because they are also taking up space at the new home.  I gave him a hard time about them while moving and even put them on for a little bit.  I probably looked pretty goofy with them on, but I was having a good time.  Brought back some memories, making it a little emotional for me.  Brooke has some pictures of me wearing the youth pads, so I hope she sends them to me or posts them so you can all have a good laugh at me. 

This Day In History: 1974
The mother of American civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr. is slain by a 21 year old gunman as she plays the organ for services at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia.

Born This Day: 1966
Mike Tyson - American world heavyweight champion boxer.

"It's not the load that breaks you down, it's the way you carry it."
-Lena Horne

Some pictures of the big move.
At the old house.

Brandon, sitting down on the job.

Yeah, I don't look much better at this point.

The new living room.

Aren't Brandon and Brooke so cute.

The new bedroom.

The infamous youth football pads.

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