Thursday, June 28, 2012

Day One Hundred Eighty

Dear Readers,
      I made it though the first week of class and only five more weeks to go.  I have to be honest, this is the longest I have lasted at any class I have taken at Cerritos College.  So I am already doing better than the first time around.  Three assignments and all completed on time.  I know it is still early, but I am feeling pretty good about the whole going back to school thing.  I may just become an engineer yet, or I could switch careers totally after finishing half the classes.  Just taking it one day at a time for right now.
      Only one day left before moving day.  After work tomorrow, I head on over to Brandon and Brooke's house to move them out.  I hope they have everything packed up and ready to go.  Make it a nice smooth transition.  I also hope there are more guys there than just Brandon and myself.  I am sure they have at least as much stuff as Raina and I did.  They are also moving stuff into storage, just like we did.  So one big trip to the unit and another to the new pad.  There's another thing.  They better have a storage unit ready to go.  They had a lot to do in about ten days, so I am sure they busted their butts to have everything ready to go.  So, if anyone's available to help tomorrow night, we will be in Gardena at about 5:00PM and I am sure they would love the help.  Not to mention how much I would love the help.
      I haven't heard anything from the Beard Bashers crew in a while.  I wonder what happened?  Was it the full time job and raising two kids that did them in?  Just too busy I guess, or maybe lack of commitment.  Maybe they just ran out of things to talk about.  Perhaps they are just not creative enough to come up with more ways to bash the beard.  Maybe this little paragraph will inspire them to come up with something clever to talk about.  Only time will tell.  I'm waiting.  The challenge has been put forth.

This Day In History: 1997
American boxer Evander Holyfield is declared the winner of a heavyweight fight against Mike Tyson after Tyson bites off the top of Holyfield's ear and is disqualified.

Born This Day: 1926
Mel Brooks - American director, actor, and comic writer.

"I base most of my fashion taste on what doesn't itch."
-Gilda Radner

Yup, both.

1 comment:

  1. David, I am so incredibly proud of you. I know going back to school is not easy, especially with you working a full time job. I know that you are doing this for us and I am very thankful. I think you are amazing.
