Thursday, June 14, 2012

Day One Hundred Sixty Six

Dear Readers,
      I am ready for my three day weekend.  It has been a long four days of work this week.  I know I know, you are all thinking about how a four day work week can be long when most people work five days a week.  Well when you work with some of the clowns that I work with it can make for a long day of work, and I have had four of those long days.  Today had to be the most physically demanding day of work, but it was the most fulfilling and fastest pace day of work.  I would rather work hard and stay busy to make the day go by faster then to have to work on tedious projects with people that make my work more difficult then it has to be.  Just let me work.  So, even though it is a furlough week and I am not being paid for tomorrow, it will be a nice three day weekend to enjoy with my wife. 
      So, a funny story to start off the weekend.  About my brother in law Matt.  Matt isn't a very handy person.  That is to say that he doesn't work well with tools.  His tools are electronic, like his phone or computer.  Which he happens to be very good at.  He can do so many things with his iPad and computer.  Making videos and recording music and so many other things.  Not so much with tools though.  If he has a hammer in his hand you better watch out.  Something is bound to get broken.  Well, the other day I put a little too much faith in his skills with these tools.  There used to be a table at my parents house that was Matt and Yoli's, and they took it home after Raina and I brought our table to my parents house.  I took the legs off the table to make it easy for them to transport to their house.  Really simple to put back together.  I was thinking that there was no way that he wouldn't be able to put it back together.  Boy was I wrong.  We had used the table at Kailee's promotion party with a table cloth over it, so I didn't notice the mistake right away.  As soon as the table cloth was taken off for clean up, I noticed the crooked legs.  I thought it was broken at first.  Then I noticed the screws and nuts sticking out.  They aren't supposed to be seen.  Matt had managed to put the legs on from the inside instead of the outside.  So the legs lost the support they were supposed to give and Matt reaped the harassment from the rest of us for his mistake.  He managed to find a way to mess up the table.  Just proving the point that Matt should stay out of the garage and stay in the office.  No more tools for you Matt.

This Day In History: 1954
Over spirited public objections, U.S. president Dwight D. Eisenhower signs a bill adding the words "under God" to the pledge of allegiance.

Born This Day: 1811
Harriet Beecher Stowe - American author

"I thought Star Wars was too wacky for the general public."
-George Lucas

Here is Matt trying to cover up his mistake before I can take some pictures.

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