Friday, June 22, 2012

Day One Hundred Seventy Four

Dear Readers,
      Tonight Raina and I head over to Brandon and Brooke's house to help them pack up.  Yup, they took a page out of our playbook and are moving in with Brandon's mom's house to save some money.  I say good for them and what a great idea.  With inflation and how expensive everything is these days, we need all the help we can get.  I know it was a hard decision for them to make, but I think they made the right decision.  Just like us, it is going to be hard for a time, but that time passes on to better times and better things.  We will all look back as it being a very short period in our lives and we were blessed because we did it.  So, the countdown begins for them.  Only eight days left for them to be out of their condo.  They are going to make it one big moving party day, next Friday.  Yup, it is a work day for most, but it needs to be done so that they have Saturday morning to finish everything up and be ready for the Dodger game.  Can't be missing the Dodger game now.  Some things in life are just too important, like rooting for the Dodgers.  Even though they were swept by the stinking Oakland AAA's this week.  My point is, there is a lot to be done in a very short period of time, so here we go to help them be ready in time.  Besides, we need to make sure we help out a lot with this move so that they will be there for us when we are ready to move again.  Which could be within the next six or seven months or so.  I thank them in advance.
      I started this blog before I left to help over at Brandon and Brooke's.  Now I have a little down time to maybe finish talking about tonight.  I couldn't believe they didn't clean up before we got here.  This place was a mess when we arrived, and now we have made it even more of a mess.  Not really a mess per say, but a mess of boxes and packing material.  I hope we have been more of a help then a hindrance to them tonight.  I did totally think that we were going to get a delicious home cooked meal for one last time.  That didn't happen, so we had dinner at Kings Hawaiian.  They do have great food there, and great pastries.  I think we may have overdone the pastries to take home, but that's okay.  At least I worked some of that off beforehand.  I found some ankle weights and wrist weights while packing and decided to do some training for my Spartan Race while packing.  Killing two birds with one stone.  Running around and packing and even hitting up the Perfect Pushup just before it went into the box.  I was feeling pretty good there for a bit.  Now after all those pastries, I am feeling a little bloated.  That means I am going to have to make tomorrows run a little bit longer than normal.  Maybe some extra push ups or maybe even a few sit ups.  I don't know if my gut will allow for that though.  Anyways, let the countdown continue.  Still plenty to do and only a short time to do it all.  We move them out on Friday and Saturday.  Then celebrate the move with the Dodger game Saturday night. 

This Day In History: 1885
Former general and president Ulysses S. Grant dies at the age of 63.

Born This Day: 1903
John Dillinger - American gangster

"I tremble for my country when I hear of confidence expressed in me.  I know too well my weakness, that our only hope is in God."
-Robert E. Lee

Some pictures of the messy house and me getting ready for the Spartan.
I got my war face on.

Don't worry, it doesn't always look this way.

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