Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Day One Hundred Seventy Nine

Dear Readers,
      As I have said before, one of the biggest problems with moving back in with my parents is the overload of good cooking and food in the house.  I cam home today to a double dose of dinner blessings.  My wife surprised me with a batch of her awesome homemade chili.  While my mom had made some of her famous Carne con Chile, which is also awesome.  It was a gourmet dinner overload.  I couldn't eat both before class.  I didn't have enough time.  Besides, I don't think my stomach could handle both meals at the same time.  I wish I could though.  Perhaps my wife's chili before class and a late night snack of Carne con Chile after class.  I have a feeling I might pay the price for that tomorrow though.  Aahh, it will be worth it if I do.
      I got a new upgrade for my truck and now it is time to go back in time and fix the millions of mistakes I have made in my life.
       Okay, I didn't really get a flux capacitor, but wouldn't it be really cool if I did.  The truth is that while at work today I was riding shotgun while driving past the local DeLorean auto shop.  Yup, a business that is dedicated to working on and restoring DeLoreans.  Anyways, while driving by I noticed a bunch of Back to the Future posters hanging up in the shop.  As I was mentioning it to the guy I was driving with, I then noticed they had an actual time traveling DeLorean replica in the shop.  The one with the Mr. Fusion on it, from the second movie.  I had to get a picture of it.  I couldn't zoom in enough with my phone, so I went inside to talk to the lady at the front desk.  She was more then obliging when I asked about going in to get some snapshots.  Then, as I was taking a couple of quick pictures, she opened the driver side door.  It sounded exactly the same way as it does in the movie.  Pretty stinking cool.  The lady then directed me to take a look inside.  Sure enough, it had a fully fledged flux capacitor and electronics system for entering start date and what time you want to travel to.  I then asked if it turned on and showed the dates from the movie.  It sure did.  It was set to travel from November 12, 1955 to October 26,1985, and I wouldn't need a lightning bolt to deliver the 1.21 gigawatts it would take to break the space time continuum, all thanks to the Mr. Fusion.  I wanted to ask if I could put a banana peel and open beer can into it and then say "Where we're going, we don't need roads".  But I have a feeling that she would have laughed at me like I was crazy like I am sure most of you are doing right now.  Just trying to live out another one of my geek fantasies.  Enjoy the pictures.

This Day In History: 1918
A parachute that deploys on command saves a German pilot, the first successful use of this aviation safety device.

Born This Day: 1880
Helen Keller - American author and educator who was blind and deaf from birth but learned to read and write.

"I long to accomplish a great and noble task; but it is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble."
-Helen Keller

You mean this things nuclear?

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