Sunday, July 1, 2012

Day One Hundred Eighty Three

Dear Readers,
      After today is over, it will officially mark half way through the year of growing the beard.  I can't believe it is already half of the year over.  If you are doing the math and not understanding how 183 is half of 365, then you have to remember that it is leap year and there are 366 days this year.  I picked the perfect year to do this.  I get one extra day.  By the way, I totally got another beard compliment today.  Raina and I were at the Goodyear getting my truck an oil change and the guy working there was telling me how he wished he could get a beard going and asked about it.  It has almost become daily with the beard love.  Just wait another three months when it is really long.  I can't wait to see how long I can actually get it.
      We went to the Dodger game for the second day in a row and they finally pulled out a win for me.  It was getting pretty depressing there for a little while.  They scored more runs today then they have in the whole last week combined.  It was about stinking time.  We had fantastic seats, almost right behind the catcher.  We could actually see the movement on the pitches from where we were sitting.  Fantastic seats, fantastic game, and a couple of Dodger dogs for dinner made it a great night.  There was also the whole getting to watch Clayton Kershaw pitch a great game.  First time this year I was able to go to a game that he pitched.  He has an amazing curveball that just drops out of thin air on you.  Amazing to watch.
      I have to bring up the fact that my "Fire Hands", as my dad calls them, made an appearance yesterday.  After helping Brandon and Brooke move into their new home, I was helping a little bit with the unpacking part.  I was trying to set up their window fan to help the room cool off.  It was stinking hot in there.  It is one of those window fans that has two fans on it, that can be set for bringing in cool air, or pushing out the hot air.  Or you could set it to do both and have the air circulate.  Well, it has an extender on the side that can be pulled out to block the part of the window that isn't covered by the fan itself.  I thought it was pulled out far enough and yanked on it pretty good.  It pulled out some more.  All the way out to be exact.  I felt bad after breaking something that wasn't mine.  I am sure there is a way to fix it.  I just need the time and tools to go over there and fix it for them.  As for now though, they have a partially broken fan that is my fault, and I have to own up to my mistake.  "Fire Hands" strikes again after a long retirement.

This Day In History: 1863
The largest military conflict in North American history begins when Union and Confederate forces collide at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.  The epic battle, which lasted three days, would come to be viewed as the turning point of the American Civil War.

Born This Day: 1961
Carl Lewis - American track star and Olympic gold medalist.

"There is only one step from the sublime to the ridiculous."
-Napoleon Bonaparte

Some pictures of the game.
Our view from our seats.

Kershaw in action.

Here we are.  Go Dodgers!
Raina found this shirt pretty amusing.  I didn't share her enthusiasm.

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