Monday, June 4, 2012

Day One Hundred Fifty Five

Dear Readers,
      I really nice day to finish off the birthday weekend in Newport.  Wake up early and hit another round of golf.  Rancho San Joaquin, a much more reasonable price for the quality of course.  We all shot better today, except for Brandon who had to head home the night before so he could be ready Sunday morning for his congregation.  Another cool beautiful morning that was the perfect temperature for golfing.  The best part had to be Mark trying to figure out his swing with his driver.  He finally thought he figured it out and tested it out, while aiming at the wall of a condo.  I think he thought it was going to slice like the rest of them had been doing.  Nope.  He sure must have figured it out on that swing.  It was a line drive right at the condo and he nailed the side of it.  He was lucky that it didn't hit one of the glass doors or windows.  His best drive of the day was a practice shot straight at a condo.  Pretty funny.  All in all, another great morning.
      We were done early enough to get back to the hotel before check out time at noon.  So we grabbed our stuff and had the Bell Desk hold our stuff while we had lunch at the restaurant in the hotel.  One last meal all together before we went our separate ways.  A great weekend of golfing, swimming, relaxing and filling our bellies with good food.  Especially our dinner at Flemming's.  Delicious steak and sides.  The French Onion soup was probably the best I have ever had.  And we go to see Mark eating dinner with a nice big blue band-aid on his head.  If you don't know Mark, you have to know that he shaves his head.  What little hair he has on his head that is.  He managed to cut himself and was bleeding at the time he sat down at the table.  The waitress saw Mark holding a tissue to his head to staunch the bleeding and asked if he wanted a band-aid so he wouldn't have to keep his hand on his head the whole night.  Sure enough, it was blue instead of the ones that are flesh colored.  It stuck out like a sore thumb and we have the pictures to prove it.  Haha.
      We also had a wonderful evening over at our friends, Chris and Kelly's, house.  Ever since we had moved to our condo two years ago, we hadn't seen them as much as before.  The combination of us being further away and them raising two young boys made it difficult.  Now that we are living with my parents, we are less then five minutes away, and they had us over for dinner and a soak in the jacuzzi.  Kelly is another fabulous cook and we had a wonderful dinner of pasta with Alfredo sauce topped with shrimp.  A side of grilled zucchini and lemonade to wash it down.  It was nice to come home from the weekend and not have to worry about dinner for ourselves, and then to continue our relaxing weekend in the hot tub.  The only thing about the hot tub, is that when I sit in one for a while, I get out so relaxed that I am ready to fall right to sleep.  So I was supposed to come home and write my blog for the night, but kept on falling asleep while I was trying to finish it.  I should have just gone to bed and gotten up earlier to do it.  I tried to fight it, but it was a losing battle.  Making my blogs even later then they were supposed to be.  Compound that with me leaving the camera in Raina's purse which has all the pictures on it and you have a very late blog.  I apologize and plan to not allow this to happen again.  Maybe I should just get an Aircad from Verizon for the laptop.  I just don't want to pay the money.  I will have to figure something out if I leave town again this year.  Thanks again for the faithful followers.

This Day In History: 1924
Austrian author Franz Kafka dies at the age of 40, never having seen his major works published.

Born This Day: 1925
Tony Curtis - American actor

"I wouldn't be caught dead marrying a woman old enough to be my wife."
-Tony Curtis

Some pictures of our dinner at Flemming's and the weekend.
Mark and his wife, Nancy.

Raina and The Beard.

What do you think he is thinking?

What a crowd.

These guys are golfers?

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