Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Day One Hundred Seventy One

Dear Readers,
      I had another one of my crazy dreams last night.  I actually remembered it today.  Usually I remember it as I wake up and it is forgotten within the next hour.  Actually, I did forget it until my mom told me about her dream from last night and it reminded me of my own.  Here is the difference between my mom and myself.  She had a dream about losing her camera and spending the whole dream looking all over for it.  Waking up to thinking that she was still missing it.  Even to the point that it made her a little upset and snapped at my dad this morning without realizing it.  A very practical and realistic dream.  Mine on the other hand was completely fantasy based and wholly unreasonable.  Either way, it was an awesome dream.  It was the zombie apocalypse and myself and a group of other people, whom I can't remember except for my wife, were holed up in some building with a bunch of weapons and ammunition fending off wave after wave of zombie attacks.  It lasted so long that we used up all our ammunition and then had to resort to knives and swords to kill off zombies.  I remember kissing Raina and going in after the final wave of zombies with nothing but a knife and just as I jumped in, I woke up.  Pretty crazy dream.  No, I wasn't playing any zombie games or watching any movies with zombies in them.  I actually didn't watch any television or play any games yesterday, so I don't know where it came from.  Weird, huh?  That is just the way my dreams roll.  Keeps me on my toes.  I wonder what the meaning behind it was.  If anyone can interpret dreams, I am open to your thoughts.
      I have to ask a question of all the females out there.  There happens to be a female that I know, whom shall remain nameless because I was threatened if I didn't, who finds Loki from the Avengers movie attractive.  Not the actor who plays him, just attractive as Loki.  As a male, I don't understand it.  Is there something I am missing about him?  This certain person had me completely baffled when I found out.  Mind you, this is also the person that found Sylar from the Heroes TV show attractive.  Maybe it has something to do with them being the bad guys.  She must have a thing for guys who are bad boys and are devious.  Seems a little disturbing if you ask me.  The thing that interests me about this, is that the guy who played Sylar, Zachary Quinto, ended up coming out and announcing he was gay.  Makes me think that the guy from the Avengers may end up doing the same thing soon.  So I pose the question to all you females out there.  Is there something inherently attractive about either of these guys, or is it just the devious bad guy thing?  Again, I don't get it.  If you end up figuring out who this female is, you have my permission to give her a hard time about it.  At least I didn't tell anyone who it is.

This Day In History: 1846
The first recorded baseball game is played on Elysian Fields in Hoboken, New Jersey, between the Knickerbocker Athletic Club and the New York Nines.  New York won 23-1.

Born This Day: 1903
Lou Gehrig - American Hall of Fame baseball player.

"What is freedom of expression?  Without the freedom to offend, it ceases to exist."
-Salman Rushdie

If you don't know what Loki looks like, here he is.

Oh, and here is Sylar.
I still don't get it.  Maybe Sylar a little bit.  Weird.

1 comment:

  1. You're more attractive than both of them Dave!!
