Sunday, June 17, 2012

Day One Hundred Sixty Nine

Dear Readers,
      It is Father's Day everyone.  I am guessing you already knew that though.  A day to celebrate fathers and everything they do.  Being a father is a really tough job.  I have only had a small taste of it with Micah, so I can only imagine what it is like full time.  There are no lunch breaks or vacations days.  All dad, all the time.  My poor dad had to put up with so much with my sisters and myself.  With Yoli's rebelliousness, my breaking everything and Melissa's eloping.  I have been fortunate to have both my parents still together and still amazing examples of what marriage is supposed to look like.  It is almost the norm to have parents that are separated in this day in age.  I am blessed to be able to look to my dad as an example for when I will have children of my own.  He has been a firm father, but never the disciplinarian while growing up.  My dad would always threaten us as kids.  Even to the point of taking off his belt and threatening to whip us with it if we didn't shape up.  The actual spanking was left to my mom.  We had an official paddle that was used to spank us.  I remember those terrible days of being spanked.  There were so many of those days.  I was always getting into trouble, and even when I didn't get caught my sister Melissa would rat me out.  My sister the tattle tale.  Every little thing I did, there she was immediately following it up with a yell to "Mom!".  Most of the time I was getting in trouble because she provoked me.  She used to be the only person that could make me mad. 
      Some of my fondest memories of my dad were when we were camping while in the Boy Scouts.  My dad did it with me.  All the camping and all the events that came along with it.  I am pretty sure my dad got as much if not more enjoyment out of those days camping as I did.  Camping in the mountains, in the desert and at lakes and rivers.  All the hiking, cooking, driving, badge activities and an assortment of other things.  He never complained or griped about doing it.  He loved it.  Went out and bought all the camping equipment.  The packs, the tents, the sleeping bags, the cooking stoves, the water filters and so many other things.  And that stuff is not cheap.  My dad was also the one that went to everyone of my sporting events in high school.  All the football games, home and away.  All the track events.  The only thing neither he nor my mom went to was my wrestling events.  I think they went one time and couldn't handle how painful it looked.  They couldn't take how it looked like I was about to be injured every time I went out.  Always supportive of all the things I wanted to do.  Just think about all the different things they had to pay for, and not one complaint about it the entire time.  Not to mention all the places they had to drive me to.  It was a weekly ritual for my dad to drive me to the school before a football game and stop at the local Mexican Carniceria to pick up a Carne Asada burrito before the game.  This is just a small sampling of all the things my dad did for me.  Which is just a small reason for why I am so thankful for him.  Happy Father's day dad. 

This Day In History: 1885
The Statue of Liberty, a gift from the people of France, arrives in New York harbor aboard the ship Isere,  The head is 10 feet wide from ear to ear and the elevated right arm, holding the torch, is 42 feet long.  Until 1899, "Lady Liberty" was New York City's tallest structure.

Born This Day: 1703
John Wesley - English evangelist, founder of the Methodist church.

"You can take a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead."
-Stan Laurel

Some pictures of the wretched paddle I grew getting hit by.  Notice the inscription on it.  No wonder my mom still tries to whack me with it.

I happened to be all three.

I think my name is first because it was used on me the most.

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