Friday, June 8, 2012

Day One Hundred Sixty

Dear Readers,
      Another weekend away from home.  Only this time I have left my beautiful bride at home.  It is kind of a bummer that less than two weeks into moving in with my parents, she gets left alone.  That is just how the schedule worked out.  I feel bad, but this was planned a long time ago.  It is also a bummer that I won’t be around to watch the Kings game.  I am still trying to figure out where I am going to watch it out here, and hoping that we will be done golfing in time to watch it.  If you must know, I am down near San Diego at a place called Sycuan Spa and Resort.  There are three golf courses right here on the property.  Not to mention tennis courts, jogging trails and a workout center.  It is going to be an awesome weekend.  The only thing to make it better would be to have Raina here with me.  Golfing a little better than I did today wouldn’t hurt either. 
      Speaking of golfing a little better, it wouldn’t hurt to have a proper driver to golf with.  While warming up on the driving range, while taking swings with my driver, I took one good swing and had the head of my club go flying off.  Yes, it almost went further than the ball went.  I couldn’t believe it.  I have had that driver for a couple of years now and I was just starting to figure it out and hitting it better than I ever have.  Then it decides it can’t hang with my terrible swing anymore and falls apart on me.  It was literally fifteen minutes before our tee time.  So I rushed into the golf shop to see what they had for sale as a replacement.  They told me they had a repair guy on site, so I went to see him.  The shaft was shattered and he had to replace it, and then it wouldn’t have been ready for today anyways.  On top of all that, it was $100 to get it fixed all together.  So I went back to check out new clubs.  Maybe get something reasonable instead of spending my money on an old club.  Turns out that the best deal they had was for the new Taylormade driver, called Rocket Ballz.  Unfortunately, it was about $300 for that club.  Why does it have to be so expensive?  It was the cheapest club on the rack.  Then, one of the guys here let me borrow his old driver, but this thing was pretty stinking old.  I couldn’t hit with that club for the life of me.  So I played the whole round without a driver.  It really made it difficult to do well.  It didn’t help that I just played terribly all together.  It was a pretty bad day of golf, but as they say, a bad day of golf beats a good day at work.  Ain’t that the truth?  Either way, I still had a great time.  It is just a bummer to have to spend some money to replace the busted driver. 
      We are playing out here with a group of guys that my father in law knows through his work, and they have a few of their own rules for the weekend.  First thing is that if you need just a little kick for a better lie, go ahead and give it a little kick.  The other rule is that if your first shot doesn’t go past where the ladies start the hole, then your next shot has to be done with your pants around your ankles. Pants on the ground, pants on the ground, looking like a fool with your pants on the ground.  So, on top of being nervous playing with people I have never played with, I had to worry about making sure every drive at least went past the ladies tees.  Fortunately I made it through the day with my pants around my waist.  My brother in law Brandon on the other hand, apparently had one flubbed shot, and yes he did take his next shot with his pants around his ankles.  I didn’t get to see it, but I am sure he is happier I wasn’t there to witness it.  I am already never going to let him live it down, unless I have to do it within the next two days, which is a likely possibility.  I want to keep my pants up. 
      We finished the night off with a trip to the casino.  Spending time at the Blackjack table with Mark for Father’s Day.  Thankfully, after getting ahead and falling behind multiple times, I ended up breaking even and not losing any money.  I will take the free entertainment, especially considering I never win at Blackjack.  I normally lose my mind and my money at the Blackjack table.  Not tonight though.  Now it is late and I am ready for sleep.  Another early morning tomorrow.

This Day In History: 1966
The six year old American Football League agrees to merge with the long established National Football League beginning with the 1970 season.  The merger also set up an annual championship game that would become known as the Super Bowl.

Born This Day: 1867
Frank Lloyd Wright – American architect whose innovative residential designs are reflected in the more open style of modern American homes.

“The truth is more important than the facts.”
Frank Lloyd Wright

Beard Art.

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