Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Day One Hundred Seventy Two

Dear Readers,
      Death comes unexpectedly!  Those are the words of the pastor from the movie Pollyanna.  He yells them out with great conviction to scare the congregation.  How true those words are, and even when it is expected, you are never ready for it.  Raina and I went to a funeral today for a person that Raina grew up knowing.  I only knew her in passing and never really got to know her.  After seeing and hearing about all the amazing things she did and seeing all the peoples lives she touched in so many ways, it made me wish I had known her.  It kind of makes me wish there was more time in the days to allow for more time spent with friends and family.  It really makes you think about taking advantage of family dinners and events, and not taking them for granted.  You just don't know when they will end, or when that person you love to spend time with will no longer be there.  It just really brings into perspective the old Latin term "Carpe Diem!".  Which means "Seize the Day!".  A term to live by.  Take every opportunity that life gives you, because who knows when it might be your last.  When my day comes for people to bury me, I want to be remembered as a person who didn't just watch life pass him by but actually lived it and took advantage of what it had to offer.  And brought that life to others around me. 
      The first instinct about funerals is that most people are sad for the person who has passed on, but the real sadness is that we have to continue to live without that person.  For those of us who are saved and believers in Christ, it really is a celebration for those who are now in a better place then we are here on Earth.  It really is difficult to imagine going on without those people though.  It makes me think about a possibility of living on without my wife.  Which I have no desire to do.  I pray that I am the first to go, because I think I would just sink into a deep depression without Raina.  I don't know what I would do with myself.  She is my reason for living.  I have been with her for almost fourteen years now.  Almost half my life.  I just really cherish the time I have with Raina and pray for many more years of happiness.  I hope the rest of you realize how short life is and start living every day as if it were your last.

This Day In History: 1968
American sprinter Jim Hines became the first man to run 100 meters in less than 10 seconds, setting a world record of 9.95 seconds.

Born This Day: 1942
Brian Wilson - American rock musician. (The Beach Boys)

"It isn't what they say about you, it's what they whisper."
-Errol Flynn

I'll have to be careful if we go up to Big Bear this winter.

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