Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Day One Hundred Seventy Eight

Dear Readers,
      Day two of Operation Back To School is in the books.  Almost, that is.  I still have to do some reading tonight before I go to bed, and just a little bit of homework.  I have to say, I am not the sharpest tool in the shed, but there are definitely a lot of slower people out there.  I thought this was going to be an accelerated class, but it is going so slow.  We spent the entire lecture on explaining how to use the two scale rulers we are using for the class.  Basic architectural scaling.  Basic math conversions.  It was pretty ridiculous.  I have a headache now from trying to stay awake and deal with all the people that were having such a hard time with it.  The teacher would ask an example question for anybody in the class to answer, and it would go silent for minutes.  I didn't want to answer all the questions and seem like some kind of smart alec.  I just wanted to answer enough to get the class moving along, instead of waiting for these silent lulls to get through the class.  I should have sat in the back and just done my homework during the class, but then I wouldn't have been able to hear the teacher as well and probably miss something vital to the class.  Stinking soft spoken teachers with accents.  Two more classes this week and lots of reading and homework to go along with it. 
      My first homework assignment.  It had very specific instructions to something this simple.  The placement for everything has to be perfect.  It is just a copy of the alphabet, numbers, fractions and a paragraph.  Even the lettering has to be a specific print and a specific size with a specific spacing for everything.  I think this is the nicest writing I have ever done.  Took me long enough.  It isn't done yet though.  I have to finish the paragraph for tomorrows class.
      The one bummer about taking this class is that it really fills up my schedule with class, homework and reading.  I missed out on an anniversary celebration for a close friend of mine tonight.  It was just a little get together at the beach to hang out, but I don't get to see them very often, so it would have been nice to go out there.  Just have to sacrifice some things.  Unfortunately also is the fact that I don't even have very much time to spend with my wife.  I think the first time we will get to actually hang out together will be on Sunday.  Between school and helping Brandon and Brooke move this weekend and Raina working a couple of jobs on Friday and Saturday, we are booked up.  At least we have a planned weekend trip for next weekend.  We are both very excited for that.  It will be nice to get away together.  I am also thankful to have the awesomely supporting wife that I have.  Always supportive in my efforts go back to school.  Just another one of the many reasons why I love her.

This Day In History: 1925
British actor Charlie Chaplin communicates masterfully without saying a word in The Gold Rush, which has its Los Angeles, California, premiere.

Born This Day: 1904
Peter Lorre - Austrian born American actor.

"What is new is only new to us."
-Pearl S. Buck

Mmmmm, crumbs.

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