Monday, June 25, 2012

Day One Hundred Seventy Seven

Dear Readers,
      Back to school day.  While most students are finishing up for their summer break, I am starting up school again for the first time in over ten years.  At least I am not the oldest person in the class.  Most students seem to be working full time and going back to school to further their careers, such as myself.  This is going to be a long six weeks though.  Work from 6:30AM to 4:00PM and then school from 5:30PM until 10:00PM.  Monday through Thursday.  At least Friday will be a little bit of a let up.  So here I am in class for my thirty minute break, typing up my blog for the day.  I have to take advantage of every moment I get.  Don’t want to keep myself up any later then I have to.  The teacher is already scaring us with what sounds like plenty of time doing the homework.  Already have two assignments due by  Wednesday, and I don’t even know for sure if I am in the class.  He isn’t going to let us know until 9:15PM.  Which means I may end up sitting in this class for four hours for nothing.  I am hoping that since I am first on the waiting list, that won’t happen.  Please let me get in this class and get it over with.  I want to be able to start out the Fall with somewhat of a footing.  Maybe improve my GPA enough to get off of academic probation, from my years of neglect as a foolish boy.
      Part of me feels a little bit in over my head.  This whole school thing is not like riding a bike.  Maybe after a few classes I will get into the swing of things.  It doesn’t help that the teacher is a very slow speaker.  Then there is the chairs that squeak every time somebody leans back.  So as I try to lean forward for the whole class, I am also trying to listen to the soft speaking teacher in between squeaks.  Every so often it is like listening to someone talking on the phone that keeps cutting out.  Makes for understanding pretty difficult sometimes.  Then there is the computer screen that sits right in front of you, so you have to lean to one side or the other to actually see the teacher.  Gotta love technology advancements in classrooms. 
      There are some pretty interesting people in this class.  I actually had someone ask if I was typing an essay for another class I was taking.  Nope, I had to explain my situation and my deal with my wife on why I was typing up a blog during class.  Have to take advantage of every moment.  I should keep up some of these relationships.  It sounds like some of them are pretty experienced in computer skills and will be able to help me out in the class and possibly getting some programs for free that will help out in the class.  It really isn’t about what you know, but who you know.  Every little bit helps.  So cross your fingers and say a little prayer to hopefully help me out on getting into this class.  Only another hour and a half until I find out.
       Three hours later, I get in.  By the way, the best part of the class was watching the teacher use a formula to figure out how long and at what time to take the break in the middle of the class.  You know you are in an engineering class when a formula is used for something as simple as that.  You know the teacher is old, when it takes him almost fifteen minutes to used his formula incorrectly before figuring it out.

This Day In History:1951
CBS television broadcasts in color for the first time, but the four hour special program cannot be seen in American homes, which lack color receiving systems.  CBS itself only has four such sets at its headquarters, among three dozen spread throughout its network.

Born This Day: 1903
George Orwell - English author. (1984; Animal Farm)

"All great work is preparing yourself for the accident to happen."
-Sidney Lumet

Very important to consider in this day in age.  Think twice before picking up that razor.

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