Saturday, June 16, 2012

Day One Hundred Sixty Eight

Dear Readers,
      So a friend of mine, Chris Jones, and my brother in law, Matt, have taken it upon themselves to start a blog of their own to counteract my beard blog.  They call themselves the Beard Bashers.  Very original I know.  They should have just called themselves the Bash Brothers, but then that would bring up memories for Chris of days when the Oakland A's were actually a relevant team.  I really have to thank Jones for his Oakland AAA's and all the major league players they have contributed for the rest of the league.  Especially Andre Ethier and his National League leading RBI's for the Dodgers.  I am sure the Nationals are thanking them for Gio Gonzalez and his eight wins.  Just like the Braves have been thanking them for the last seven years for Tim Hudson.  I especially have to thank them for the Dodger's World Series ring from 1988.  That was a special one. 
      I really commend them for their attempt to match doing a blog that relies on mine to have something to talk about.  Actually, I don't want to be too harsh on them.  I really do enjoy the little bit of banter that is going on here.  I can take a joke with the best of them and will be the first to laugh at myself and my dirty Mexican mustache I had as a teenager.  I can also laugh at the fact that I am able to grow a decent amount of facial hair, while others, such as Matt, are not able to.  Enough about Matt though.  He has been the topic of a few blogs already.  Jonesy on the other hand, is another story.
      Chris Jones has become a bit of a legend on the golf course over the last two years.  Not because of his golf prowess, which he actually is a pretty good golfer, but because of his over competitiveness.  Which gets him a little fired up at times on the course.  Going back to my bachelor party weekend over two years ago.  It was a golf trip in Palm Springs with my groomsmen and my father in law.  We were making it a two man scramble with a prize for first place.  The last day of golf, it came down to two teams.  Chris Jones and Chris Allen versus Brandon Piliavin and Brent Mitte.  The story goes something like this.  Chris was getting a little frustrated about the golfing and was getting a little heated with himself, when Brent drove up his cart from behind and hit Jonesy's cart fairly hard while he was sitting in the cart.  The next words out of his mouth are now golf lore that is repeated every time we are out on the course.  "I signed for this cart!" are now a staple of every golf outing whenever I am golfing with any of the guys on that trip.  He yelled it in frustration and a little bit of anger.  Probably because Brent was giving him a hard time about something, and Brent doesn't know when to let up.  So I have to say thank you to Chris Jones for his competitive spirit getting the best of him and allowing us to have a little fun about it every time we go out.
      Now before Jones tries to come back with a few golf stories about me, thinking he is getting back at me, I will share a good one with you guys about myself.  Nothing serious, but by some weird stroke of luck, I managed to hit a golf ball almost directly behind me.  I was standing at the tee box taking my first swing of the hole.  Somehow I managed to hit the ball so far left that it nailed the water bottle inside of our golf cart.  I couldn't find the ball, but the water bottle landed about ten feet away from the cart.  It was sitting in the cup holder.  I don't know how I managed to do that, but it was great for many laughs to come.  Just shows you how fickle golf can be.  One swing you hit a straight drive down the fairway for 280 yards, and the very next swing you are shanking your ball all over the place.  Most frustrating yet fulfilling sport there is.  All it takes is that one great swing and hit to bring you back.  Unfortunately those are too few and far between.
      If you want to check out the Beard Bashers blog you can go to  You should really read it.  It is actually pretty funny what they have done.  Hoping to read some more great posts from them.  I am sure there are more they can gather to their ranks of the Beard Bashers.

This Day In History: 1968
Lee Trevino becomes the first Spanish-American golfer to win a major American title when he captures the U.S. Open.

Born This Day: 1890
Stan Laurel - British actor and comedian. (Laurel and Hardy)

"I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve."
-Isoroku Yamamoto after Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor

Some Pictures of my brother in law Matt and his twin brother Joe from back in the day.

And a more recent photo of Matt.

This is Jonesy on the left.  No, that is not his husband next to him.  He has a wife and two kids.

He had a pornstache of his own not too long ago.

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