Friday, June 8, 2012

Day One Hundred Fifty Nine

Dear Readers,
      I really have to apologize for last nights massacre of a blog.  That was pretty awful.  There was a whole sentence of gibberish.  I must have been sleep typing for a little bit there.  Then I didn't even post it on Facebook for everyone to know that I did it.  Raina asked me as I slipped into bed and I just didn't care.  I was ready to crash.  Then waking up extra early this morning didn't help.  I had to go into work early and it was not fun being there that early.  I didn't normalize until about 11:00AM.  It took me that long to wake myself completely up.  Raina was telling me that I should have posted some pictures of our wedding or something, considering it was our anniversary and all.  I barely remember doing my blog at all, so the fact that it was actually done completely surprises me.  I think I woke up thinking that I didn't do it and would have to do two tonight. 
      I didn't even talk about some of the coolest things that happened to me last night.  How the beard got me so much love over by Staples Center.  I had so many people complimenting and yelling for the beard.  I even had about three different groups of people ask if I would take a picture with them.  I just went along with it, yelling "Go Kings Go" everywhere I went.  Maybe me growing my beard out for the whole year is just what the Kings needed to boost them into winning the Stanley Cup.  I know they haven't actually won it yet, but soon enough they will have it in their possession.  With great beard growing power comes great responsibility, and part of that responsibility is growing a proper beard for Kings playoff time.  My official status as a Kings fan is becoming complete.  I have now added an awesome Kings jersey to my collection.  Josh and Melissa gave me the Kings jersey they let me wear to the game on Monday.  I also wore it on Wednesday.  It was really awesome of them to let me have it and I am very grateful for it.  In fact, I am going away this weekend, down to the San Diego area for a golf trip with my father in law, Mark.  I am taking the jersey with me and am going to have to find a place to watch the game on Saturday.  This is too momentous an occasion to not be part of.  Don't want to mess with superstition and not wear it either. 
      I want to say Congratulations to my niece, Kailee, for finishing junior high school.  She had her 8th grade promotion today and is now officially about to be a high schooler.  I can't believe she is that old.  I miss the little girl that allowed us to worm our way into her heart by feeding her.  She is growing up too fast.  Is there a pause button, or maybe a rewind button?  Either way, we are very proud of her and are excited to see her grow and mature.  Only four years and she will be done with high school.  It is going to go by too quickly.  Here comes four years of cheerleading, boys and figuring out what outfit to wear everyday.  She had her choices really limited with uniforms in junior high.  Now she gets to wear what she wants.  Mostly that is.  There is still a dress code.  We love you Kailee and are so very proud of you.  We will be even prouder after you finish high school with honors, or something like that. 

This Day In History: 1914
The first ship passes through the locks on the Panama Canal.

Born This Day: 1917
Dean Martin - American singer, actor, and comedian.

"We are each other's harvest; we are each other's business; we are each other's magnitude and bond."
-Gwendolyn Brooks

That is Kailee on the far left facing towards us.

Kailee getting her promotion papers.

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