Friday, June 15, 2012

Day One Hundred Sixty Seven

Dear Readers,
      Even though it is nine days after the fact, Raina and I went out to lunch and an afternoon drive for our anniversary.  It doesn't have to be the exact day for it to mean something.  It is the thought that counts.  The place where we bought our wedding cake at did this thing where they make you a little cake for your one year anniversary.  Which is so much better than saving the top of the cake for a year in your freezer to taste later.  The other nice thing is that it is also a small cafe that serves lunch.  When we did our cake tasting, we enjoyed the sandwiches so much that we decided to go have lunch for our one year anniversary and pick up our small cake.  Well, we drove out there for another year of marriage today.  Out in Dana Point is this wonderful place that is called It's All About the Cake.  With the adjoined cafe called What A Dish Cafe.  It was a nice leisurely drive out there and a wonderful lunch of a chicken salad sandwich and a chicken club sandwich.  It has been a pretty cool tradition that we have started and I think this may become our thing to do for many years down the road.  That is as long as they are still in business. 
      After our lunch, we took the scenic route home.  Pacific Coast Highway all the way back to Seal Beach Blvd.  It took us longer, but we both enjoy a nice drive.  Especially one along the coast like that one was.  Checking out the shops and the restaurants on the way, and even catching some beautiful views out towards the ocean.  It makes me think about all the times we have seen some restaurant or cool thing we want to do and talk about how we should try it out.  Then we quickly forget until we happen to drive by it again.  I know I am not the only person that does this.  We always tell ourselves that the next time we are in that certain area or planning on doing dinner we are going to try that new place.  Then we go to the same places we always go to.  I need one of those snazzy phones that will allow me to make a list and save it.  Then anytime we plan on eating out we can try something that we may have forgotten about.  I could do it with movies too.  There are a bunch of movies that come out in theaters that I don't want to spend the money on.  I want to wait until they are out on DVD.  Save a little money.  Then I forget about them and see some preview of them and remember that I had wanted to see it.  Usually I never end up seeing it.  It could really come in handy when we want to rent something to watch.  Just go through the list instead of just going through the new releases that we only watch to have something to do.  It might as well be something we actually wanted to see.  This list idea could come in really handy.  Anyways, it was a pleasant day spent with my wife.  Happy Anniversary Babe.

This Day In History: 1864
Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia, which would become the final resting place of many who fought in America's wars, is created to receive the remains of those who perished in the American Civil War.

Born This Day: 1330
Edward the Black Prince - Prince of Wales

"I must study politics and war that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy."
-John Adams

Some pictures of our afternoon together.

Notice the two names for the same building.
Our desert.

Great deserts and cakes.

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