Monday, June 4, 2012

Day One Hundred Fifty Four

Dear Readers,
      The Kings Win!  The Kings Win!  The Kings Win!  Another win in overtime and they are two games up on the Devils.  Which makes the game we are going to that much more exciting.  I can't wait to see another win by the Kings.  Yeah Baby!
      We went golfing this morning, at Strawberry Farms in Irvine.  I had never golfed there and as expensive as it is I expected a fantastic golf experience with a beautiful course.  The greens were great and the course was very nice, but it felt like it should have been even better for the money we spent.  Either way, it was a great time golfing and hanging out with each other.  It was also great to not have to worry about anybody being in front of us slowing us down.  The weather was also great.  Nice and cool in the morning, but not so cold you needed a jacket.  We all had mediocre days at the course, except for Brandon's second half of course.  I have never seen someone play so terrible for the first half of the course and then play so great the next half.  Brandon was all over the place and then finished the game with four pars over the last five holes.  He was fifteen strokes better in the second half as opposed to the first half.  It was crazy.  I have never seen him golf so well.  I think he had about four birdie opportunities.  He didn't get any of them, but the fact that he had four chances at it was awesome.  Not bad for someone that has a pretty awkward swing.  He did so well, he almost came back and beat all of us.  I barely beat him by one stroke.  I give mad props to Brandon for his back nine play.  I also have to toot my own horn a little bit, since I did sink a 34 foot putt.  I was pretty proud of that.  I am pretty sure I will never surpass that.  So I will enjoy it while I can.
     I have to preface my next story with a set up story.  When we were much younger. Brandon and I that is.  I am talking back in early high school days, maybe around fifteen years old or so, we went on a summer camp with our church.  It was up near Pismo Beach in some deserted campsite area.  We called it the "Fly Trap Camp", because there were fly's and traps all over the campsite.  The point I am getting at is that we used to play a lot of laser tag back in the day.  To the point that we would modify our guns so that they were silenced and blacked out the lights to make it harder to find who was shooting at you in the middle of the night.  On this particular evening that we were playing war on the field of battle, I happened to come upon Brandon who was on the opposite team as me.  So instead of standing in the open to shoot at each other, I rushed him and tackled him, then held him down to shoot him enough times to take him out of the round.  I think it took ten shots to "kill" someone.  As I have Brandon pinned down and shooting his target, he struggles to get free.  Well, his first instinct to get free was to go for the low blow on me.  Yup, he reached his hands down and grabbed me in a place that was not so comfortable, to put it very mildly.  It was so stinking painful that I eventually just writhed on the floor while he shot me up to take me out of the game.  I couldn't believe he grabbed me in my manhood area to get out of the hold I had on him.  It was a real low blow and I have not let him live it down to this day.  Well, today I received a little vindication.  Not really, but sort of.  I didn't return the favor personally, but I was able to be there as his brother, Brent, let him have it.  And boy did he get it, bad.  Brandon had been messing with Brent, lightly tapping his groin area to give him a little pain.  Well, Brandon should have known better then to get Brent started, because he is one of those guys that will finish it.  It was like watching a game of Mortal Kombat, where as you win the match it yells out "Finish Him".  Brandon sure got finished, as Brent took his open palm and nailed him, right in the groin.  Brandon immediately went into the fetal position on the ground in the middle of Fashion Island.  If you don't know what Fashion Island is, it is basically a large fancy outdoor mall.  We had just walked out of the restaurant we had lunch at and there is Brandon on the floor in the fetal position as people are trying to walk around him to get into the restaurant.  The whole time, Raina is yelling at him to get up because he was embarrassing her.  Brandon got screwed up on that one, but I guess it is kind of like Karma coming back to bite him in the butt.  Hahahahahaha.  Just another great thing to see on such a great day celebrating Mark's birthday. 

This Day In History: 1835
American showman P. T. Barnum takes his circus on its first U.S. Tour.

Born This Day: 1491
Henry VIII - King of England

"Good is not good when better is expected."
-Vin Scully

Here is some pictures of Brandon on the floor.  In a little pain.

Enjoy the video too.

Some pictures of dinner and the boys messing around on the golf course.
That is Mark between Brandon's legs.

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