Thursday, June 21, 2012

Day One Hundred Seventy Three

Dear Readers,
      Happy retirement to my mom.  She had her last day of work and will no longer have to go back.  So what if it was forced upon her.  Might as well enjoy the fruits of your labor, right?  My mom has been a Spanish teacher's aide for the last several years.  At least fifteen years, I think.  Well you know as well as I do how badly the school system is doing as far as funding is concerned.  They were out of money for her position.  At first it looked like they would have a place for her at a different high school.  That didn't work out so well and now we have a mini retirement for my mom.  She is taking it well and making the best of it.  My two sisters and Raina made a congratulatory sign and did a quick decoration job to surprise her when she came home from work.  We even went out to dinner at Mimi's Cafe.  My mom has put in her time and now she can do some relaxing, or maybe one of the many things she has dreamed of doing for so long.  Maybe just enjoy being a grandmother to my three nephews and one niece.  Either way, she will make the most of it.

This Day In History: 1788
New Hampshire becomes the ninth and last state needed to ratify the Constitution of the United States, thereby making the document the law of the land.

Born This Day: 1850
Daniel Carter Beard - American who organized the first U.S. Boy Scout troop.

"Freedom is what you do with thwat's been done to you."
-Jean-Paul Sartre

Nuff Said.

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