Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Day One Hundred Twenty Two

Dear Readers,
      It is official, I am one third of the way done for the year.  Yes, today marks exactly one third of the way.  Which actually makes me realize just how quick this is going.  Also really excited to think that the beard will be three times as long as it is right now by the end of the year.  Muwahaha.  The mustache is in that awkward phase where it is long enough to get in my mouth and food gets all over it, but not long enough to comb or twist to the side and out of the way.  Hopefully soon it will be long enough to get some handlebars going.  I am going to have to find out what kind of mustache wax to use to keep it groomed nicely.  Either handlebars or maybe make it look like the Pringle Man.  Maybe I will switch it off. 
      Moving day is coming quickly.  I really don't like to move.  Packing everything up and transferring everything to another place to live.  Then have to hurry up and unpack everything so you can get to the things that you need.  Not to mention all the heavy furniture we have.  My back is aching just thinking about it.  I think I am going to have to buy a bunch of orders of Carne Asada Fries from Alerto's to convince a bunch of people to come help us move everything.  The more the merrier, and the faster it gets done.  The other thing about moving, is wanting to get some things packed early, because the thought is that the more you do now, the less you have to do at the last minute.  It never fails though, something you thought your weren't going to need, you packed at the bottom of about ten boxes.  Then it was in the wrong box that was labeled incorrectly and you end up unpacking about five of the boxes you already packed to get to it.  I just have to remember, this is a small step to something greater for Raina and I.  Live in a cramped room with half our stuff in storage, but be able to save a bunch of money and hurry up and buy a home for us.  Then that leaves one more move, hopefully for many years to come.  Then instead of moving every two or three years, you just rearrange the furniture in the house to make it look a little different.  One thing I am looking forward to buying a home, is that we can actually buy the furniture and appliances we want.  We have been holding off on buying a lot of that stuff, because we aren't sure how and what will fit in our home we plan on buying.  Things will be a lot more settled and allow us to do more as far as making the home our own.  I think the one thing I am looking forward to the most, is having a garage of my very own.  A place to store all of Raina's party stuff and a place for tools and bikes.  It can get pretty annoying to have to go downstairs to get some of Raina's party stuff out of our storage boxes in the carport.  We have those things packed to the brim.  Raina has everything packed in just the perfect spot to make the most of the limited space we have.  So, sometimes you have to take out about five boxes just to get to the one that has the item you are looking for.  A garage will simplify that.  Just build some shelves and label the boxes for easy access.  All that party stuff and decorations.  Then, half of the garage for working on all the projects which I am sure will go hand and hand with a house of our own.  I am sure there is going to be sanding and painting and things that need to be fixed.  Raina is a little worried that I might neglect those kinds of things, but I am actually looking forward to taking pride in home ownership and really putting my stamp on things.  There is something special about knowing that I take care and improved my own home.  Something to take a little pride in.  So, needless to say I am excited about our prospects of home ownership and am looking forward to getting through these next seven months, and the moving.

This Day In History: 1931
U.S. president Herbert C. Hoover presses a button to officially dedicate the Empire State Building in New York City, which at 102 stories would remain the world's tallest skyscraper until 1974.

Born This Day: 1852
Calamity Jane (Martha Burke) - American frontier adventurer.

"Well done is better than well said." 
- Benjamin Franklin

We are famous, we made the something o'clock news!  On local Garden Grove television that is.

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