Saturday, May 5, 2012

Day One Hundred Twenty Six

Dear Readers,
      Happy Cinco de Mayo everyone!  Okay, I may be Mexican, but my extent of celebrating this auspicious holiday is to barbeque some Carne Asada, have Raina make some rice, and drink some Jarritos.  I don't speak Spanish, so the holiday doesn't have any real importance to me.  Although, I wish I knew how to speak Spanish.  It could really come in handy here in good old Southern California.  Not to mention my work would pay me a little more for being bilingual. Either way, I used Cinco de Mayo as an excuse to eat Carne Asada with some of my wife's homemade guacamole.  I am so stuffed still.  One of my many favorite meals has to be grilled Carne Asada.  I put myself in a food coma and I am still having a hard time getting out of it.  I am feeling just a little better, I don't feel like I am going to explode anymore.  Stomach still has pressure on it and the thought of more food hurts my stomach.  Ugh.

      I also got to spend some time with my nephew, Micah.  You know, the one that is strong willed and all over the place.  Loves to throw his toys and test the limits of his parents authority.  Yeah, that Micah.  He is two, but so much fun to have around.  We get to have him for a night while his parents, my sister and brother in law, celebrate their anniversary.  Yes, they were married on Cinco de Mayo eleven years ago, and my sister is even whiter then I am.  Anyways, Micah was a lot of fun today.  We went to the park for about an hour or so.  He climbed the playground, up and down, up and down.  He did not want to go on the slide though.  He is deathly afraid of the slide.  Even watching the other little kids going down the slide made him scream.  I tried and tried to get him to go down the slide with me, but he was not having it.  Finally one time I just tricked him into getting close enough so I could grab him and slide down faster then he could get away.  Yeah, I sound like a terrible uncle for doing it, but he was fine as soon as we got down.  Like it didn't even happen.  He wouldn't do it again though.  He circled the perimeter, walking on the concrete curb around and around.  I followed, he tripped a few times, but got right back up and kept on walking that line.  He found the sand area, and dug and threw sand.  I played with him for a while, but every time I used a stick to help with the digging into the sand, he wanted to take it away from me.  He even snuck a mouthful of sand.  We could hear him chewing on the sand and had to get him to spit it out.  Take some water into his mouth to wash it out.  That child.  You have to watch him like a hawk.  He might be a lot to handle, but at least you are guaranteed to never be bored around him.  All in all, a great day.  All I could think about was getting back to the theaters to see the Avengers again.  Hopefully soon.  Happy Cinco de Mayo everyone!

This Day In History: 1973
A crowd of 56,800 pays $309,000 to see Led Zeppelin at Tampa Stadium in Florida.  It was the largest paying audience ever for a single musical act, topping even the Beatles' 55,000-fan, $301,000 performance earlier.

Born This Day: 1830
John Batterson Stetson - American hat manufacturer after whom the cowboy hat is named.

"Reason has always existed, but not always in a reasonable form."
-Karl Marx

Just a few pics of the day with Micah.  Love that kid.

Notice the sand flying out of his hand.

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