Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Day One Hundred Twenty Nine

Dear Readers,
      Why is it so much more work to get in shape then it is to get out of shape?  I guess if you compound all the years I have been working at getting myself out of shape, then I can see why it is taking so long.  I just feel like I am putting a good amount of effort into working out and I would like to see more results.  Maybe this has something to do with getting older as well.  I feel that if this was eight years ago, I would be doing so much better then I am.  I just can't get rid of the gut.  I would be so happy, if the gut was gone.  I don't have to be some big muscle guy, or have to be a lean mean fighting machine.  I just want to be able to bend over and tie my shoes without having my gut get in the way.  I have lost some pounds on the way, just not any size in the gut area.  The waist is slimming, but the gut still hangs over the pants.  I really know the answer to why it hasn't happened yet, I just wish there was an easier way about it.  I feel like it was so much easier to make the gut the way it is, and so much harder to get rid of it.  It is like a parasite, once you have it, it latches on and won't let go very easily.  Like I said, I know the answer.  I need to change up my workout, maybe do some actual weight training again.  I was doing good, for about three weeks.  Then I fell back into the routine of running and doing push ups.  I really need to use the perfect push up instead of regular push ups, and maybe start using that pull up bar again.  The bottom line is, it is a matter of discipline that I don't have at the moment.  Going back to one of my previous blogs, it is a matter of the right motivation.  Not only the right motivation, but a sustaining motivation.  Not one that gets you kick started, only to see you fail in two weeks, or even less time then that.  Why can't there be some miracle pill that is actually proven to be good for you, that just magically makes the gut disappear over a period of a month or so?  Wouldn't that be nice?  How come nobody has invented that yet?  I am just griping a little bit.  I am sure there have been tons of money spent on researching a miracle drug that is proven to work and proven to be healthy.  Bottom line is that the only healthy way is to eat good and work out properly.  There in lies most of my problem.  Eating properly.  Food is my biggest vice.  Often times I wish I had become a chef, but the older I am getting and the harder it is to work out, the happier I am that I didn't become one.  Or, maybe it would have been good.  I could have become a healthy cook.  Yeah right, I know I am fooling myself with that one.  I would be making the greasiest most delicious things possible.  Then I would be overeating all those things.  Which makes me think that maybe having Raina be such a good cook might actually be a bad thing for me.  Maybe if Raina was a bad cook, I wouldn't eat so much when she cooks.  That is a depressing thought though.  I have tasted her excellent cooking and would hate to ever have to lose it.  Just one of the many reasons why I could never divorce her, other then the fact that it is kind of against the whole being a Christian thing.  Anyways, I just needed to vent and stomp my feet and pout a little.  Then realize how dumb I am acting and get back into the gym.  Only seven months until the Spartan Race.  Have to kick it up a notch.

This Day In History: 1886
Dr. John S. Pemberton sells the first Coca-Cola at Jacob's Pharmacy in Atlanta, Georgia.  A bookkeeper, Frank Robinson, coined the soft drink's name; his handwriting is the one used in the "Coke" trademark.

Born This Day: 1926
Don Rickles - American comedian and actor.

"Democracy does not guarantee equality of conditions - it only guarantees equality of opportunity."
                                                                        - Irving Kristol

The fugitive beard.  How else would he have been able to escape and solve his wife's murder?

1 comment:

  1. Wow babe!!! I'm glad that we are Christians and I'm a good cook, that way we won't get a divorce. What's love got to do with it anyways.
