Thursday, May 10, 2012

Day One Hundred Thirty One

Dear Readers,
      What a great game to go to last night.  Okay, Chad Billingsly didn't have the dominant game I was hoping to go and see, but it was still awesome to watch the Dodgers beat the Giants, and beat Tim Lincecum on top of all that.  Someone told me that any game you go to where the Dodgers beat the Giants and Lincecum, has to be a great game to go to.  Especially since we happened to be sitting around all kinds of Giants fans.  I think we were sitting in the wrong section, because everywhere I looked around us was another person with a stinking Giants shirt or jersey or hat.  I hate the Giants.  There really is nothing sweeter then watching the Dodgers beat up on them, except the Dodgers winning the World Series.  Here's hoping.  Either way, great game last night.  I got to see a rookie get his first at bat, his first base hit, and his first RBI.  So if he ends up becoming a great player, I can say that I was there to see the beginning.  It was really nice to see the guys who don't normally get a lot of hits and RBI's to come through and carry the team on a night where Matt Kemp struggled.  It was just ugly watching Kemp strike out three times and not get a single hit.  He will make up for it on Friday, I can feel it.  What was also nice was seeing the new guy we picked up for super cheap contribute.  Thanks Bobby Abreu, and thank you Angels for releasing him.  All in all, a great night of baseball and eating a couple of Dodger Dogs.  You can't go to the stadium without getting a Dodger Dog.  Thanks Farmer John.
      Moving is getting closer and closer.  I spent my morning taking boxes to my Dad for his stuff he needs to pack up to make room for us.  Then picking up boxes from my sister, Yoli, to bring back here so we can finish packing our stuff.  It still isn't going to be enough boxes.  We just have too much stuff.  Then I spent some time researching storage units to see if I could find a better one then the ones we have checked out so far.  I visited one in Anaheim that is a really good price and on the first floor, which makes it so much nicer.  It still wasn't as nice as the other one we are considering.  So, decisions need to be made soon.  Memorial Day weekend is our ETA for moving.  It will be a weekend of moving our stuff to the storage unit and also to my parents house.  Then moving some of my parents stuff to the storage unit as well.  Lots of stuff to be moved in a short period of time.  I can't wait.  You catching the sarcasm?  I just keep telling myself, it is a small price to pay.  The end result will definitely be worth it.  Still so many things to do in a short time.  Need to change over the Fios and all our bills.  Need to cancel the water and electric.  I already set up a forwarding of our mail with the Post Office.  Need to make a change of address for the other bills though.  Still a lot to pack and also clean.  We want to leave a clean condo.  The couple we rent from have been so great to us and we want to be able to leave this place as good if not better then we left it.  I know Raina and I are both going to miss this place, but the house to come is really something to look forward to.
      I also want to give a congratulations to the new parents, Mike and Johnna Brunenkant, who welcomed their new baby girl into the world yesterday morning.  They are proud parents to their third daughter, Esterlyn.  A beautiful name for a beautiful baby.  Congratulations!  Praying for many more blessings on your family.

This Day In History: 1924
J. Edgar Hoover is promoted to director of the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation.  He remained in office until his death in 1972.

Born This Day: 1838
John Wilkes Booth - American actor, assassin of Abraham Lincoln.

"The greatest lesson in life is to know that even fools are right sometimes."
-Winston Churchill

New pics are Star Wars pics.  Other then beards, what could be better.

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