Saturday, May 19, 2012

Day One Hundred Forty

Dear Readers,
      Are you comfortable with taking tests, or are you one of those persons that stresses themselves out to the point that it actually negatively affects their performance?  I have seen so many people that stress themselves to the point that they do nothing but study for weeks and days on end, because they are worried about the test, but all the worrying doesn't allow them to retain any of the things they were studying.  Thus, causing them to perform badly.  Then they don't understand why they didn't do well after all the studying they did.  Fortunately, both Raina and I are comfortable taking tests.  Homework on the other hand, I am terrible at keeping up with and procrastinate everything.  Tests I can handle.  I had to take a test today for work.  It was a test for a certification for working on water systems called a Treatment 1.  I didn't study at all for it, unless you count the twenty minutes of reading through a few practice tests that I borrowed from a guy at work.  I think the worst part about taking tests for me, is that I feel like I need to be one of the first to finish.  It gives me a boost of confidence, because I feel that if I finish quickly then I am more confident in my answers, therefore meaning to me that I did better.  I never go back over my test again.  I am afraid that I would second guess myself and change my already correct answer to the incorrect one.  Always go with the first instinct.  The only time I go back is if I don't know the answer the first time and I skip it.  Only go back on the skipped ones and give them a second look.  Besides, on multiple choice there is a chance that a future question will hold the answer to a previous question.  Gotta love the multiple choice scantron.  So, after no studying and being one of the first to complete the test, I am hoping to get a passing grade.  All I need is 70%, so I think it is doable.  I just hate that you have to wait almost two months to get the results.  The waiting is the hardest part.  At least I got to end the night with dinner at Kabuki.  Delicious sushi for dinner.  It made the drive to Pomona and spending the middle part of my day taking a test for almost two hours all worth it.
      I also want to say "Congratulations!!" to David Taylor for graduating from Cal State Dominguez Hills.  It is a big accomplishment and something to be very proud of.  We are very proud of him.

This Day In History: 1536
Convicted of adultery, Anne Boleyn, second wife of King Henry VIII of England, is beheaded.

Born This Day: 1952
Joey Ramone - American singer from The Ramones.

"If we don't stand for something, we may fall for anything."
-Malcolm X

Yoda is awesome.

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