Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Day One Hundred Forty Three

Dear Readers,
      The Kings just won the Western Conference Finals and are headed to the Stanley Cup Finals.  I am pretty stinking happy that I put that bet on the Kings to win it all this year.  Yup, my $20 investment may just turn into a $400 payday.  It really gives me that extra incentive to watch this years Stanley Cup.  Hockey is new to me and I am still learning a lot about it, like why don't goalies serve their own penalties.  I still don't know why.  Either way, it really makes the games exciting to watch even though I don't totally understand everything.  Either way, I will definitely be watching the finals this year.  Go Kings!
      I think I may have found the laptop I am going to get.  I have done quite a bit of research on what to get.  It is going to be somewhere between buying something super cheap just to get me by and buying something that is going to be the computer I use for at least the next five years.  The price is mid to cheap range to.  At least as far as computers go.  It is a Hewlett Packard that apparently has a processor good enough to run AutoCad and other design programs with a good graphics card.  So, hopefully when I am taking my engineering classes I am hoping to be taking I will have a computer to help out.  As long as it does the job and doesn't break on me in the next two years I will be happy.  So tomorrow I go to get my new computer.  It is pretty exciting.  Kind of like being a kid going to the store to get a new toy.  It is just a grown ups version. 
      Only three days left until moving day.  I am so not looking forward to this.  I have a feeling my back is going to be hating me the few days afterwards.  Possibly my knees too.  I will just use it as my workout for the weekend.  Up and down the stairs, box after box.  I just have to make sure I stretch and warm up before.  Can't wait to get it done with and get back to a little bit of normality.  Getting to run after work.  Maybe go back to the gym and lift weights again.  Maybe do some swimming over at the Thompson Park pool in Bellflower.  I think residents get in free, or at least super cheap.  Hopefully get to spend some time at the park with family and friends.  Play some softball or badminton.  Throw the football around.  Kick the soccer ball around.  I would even like to play some wallyball again.  If you haven't played wallyball before, it is a blast.  It is volleyball inside of a racquetball court where you can play off the walls.  Makes for some fun times.  Either way, can't wait to be done moving for a little while.  At least for the next six months.

This Day In History: 1944
American and British aircraft launch a systematic World War II bombing raid on railroads in Germany and elsewhere in northern Europe, dubbed "Operation Chattanooga Choo Choo."

Born This Day: 1859
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - British physician and author, creator of Sherlock Holmes.

"I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody."
-Bill Cosby

Where do I get this toy at?  How did I miss this one all these years?

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