Friday, May 11, 2012

Day One Hundred Thirty Two

Dear Readers,
      What a beautiful day it has been today.  I woke up early and headed out to gorgeous Fontucky.  Okay, Fontana.  It is just so far away, it felt like I drove to some far off place in the sticks.  Kind of like Kentucky.  Don't worry, I drove out there for a good reason.  Chris Allen, Matt my brother in law, Jacob Padilla and myself golfed in a tournament that was sponsored by Matt's work.  So, a free day of golf and free food is worth the drive.  I didn't golf very well today, except for the first two holes, but like they say, a bad day of golf is better then a good day of work.  So, I can't really complain.  It was so much fun anyways.  I don't think I have ever laughed so hard on a golf course before.  Golfing with Matt and Jacob was absolutely comical.  Not because they are bad golfers, although that played a part in it.  Not that I am very good, it's fun to laugh at myself too.  Jacob just had the unfortunate experience of breaking not one, but two of his clubs on the course today.  I laughed so hard.  He didn't do it knowingly.  It wasn't like he was upset with his hit and then broke the club over his knee, or swung and hit a tree with his club.  Nope, he was leaning on it just a little too hard.  We were teeing off when all of a sudden we heard a snap, like a tree branch broke off.  I started looking towards the trees thinking that one of the golfers behind us was hitting into us and hit a nearby tree.  Then, I see Jacob standing there holding his club like he couldn't believe what just happened to him.  His driver of all clubs.  Probably one of the most used clubs on that course.  We would have let him use our own drivers, but he is a left handed golfer.  So our clubs were out of the question.  That was only the first one, because he broke another about six holes later.  He was leaning slightly on it while twisting it on the grass, when the head of the club broke off.  Again, laughing hysterically.  I have never seen such a thing before.  It was fantastic to see.  Poor guy had to resort to his last fairway wood for the rest of the day. 

      So, between Jacob breaking his clubs and watching him and Matt almost totally lose control of their golf cart as they are spinning out of control, it was probably the most fun I have had golfing in a long time.  There was also Jacob's sweet song that plays every time he gets a text, it sounded like we had just stepped in the club.  So every time it played I started dancing like I was in the club.  There was lots of skidding out and one eighty's and other stupid stuff.  You can't go wrong when acting like a kid again.  So much fun. 

This Day In History: 1981
Reggae singer Bob Marley dies of cancer in Miami.

Born This Day: 1888
Irving Berlin - Russian born composer

"When your house is on fire you can't be bothered with the neighbors."
-Gary Kasparov

Too many party fouls on the golf course, so they locked us up.  Notice how Matt is the only one smiling about it.

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