Monday, May 21, 2012

Day One Hundred Forty Two

Dear Readers,
      Some nights I have trouble coming up with something to talk about.  Other nights, it comes to me and it only takes me fifteen minutes to type up.  Tonight was not one of those nights.  I had no idea what I should talk about.  I even looked over a list of potential topics for me to talk about in future blogs.  Some were lame and others were too detailed for me to spend the time on right now.  Then I remembered something funny from my high school days.  I should actually say Raina's high school days, because it was at her prom.  This is probably fitting since most schools are doing their proms around this time of year.  At least I think so.  So here goes.
      It was 1999.  I can remember because it was Raina's senior prom and she graduated a year before me.  Makes it easier to remember.  We went together with one of Raina's friends, Anna.  It isn't pronounced the way you think though.  Not like Santa Ana.  The phonetically correct way is "on-uh".  Anyways, Anna had this white dress that looked like it could have been a wedding dress.  From the waist up, it looked like any normal fancy prom dress, but from the waist down it was big enough to fit a big top circus underneath.  It was so poofy.  First off, I can't believe she bought a wedding dress to go to prom in.  Secondly, why would she wear a dress that would force her date to have to keep a minimum of four feet away, because if he walked any closer the dress would just bounce him back.  I remember going to Cheesecake Factory for dinner and having to stuff her dress into the booth.  Kind of like how a kid stuffs his or her closet with all the toys and cloths from their room and then squeeze the door shut.  Only to have everything spring out all over the place after cracking the door open.  I was waiting for her to try and squeeze out and at the last second have the dress bounce her out of the booth like a cork popping out of a champagne bottle.  Now that I think about it, she didn't dance to any slow songs.  She probably couldn't get close enough to her date to get his arms around her.  Maybe she did it on purpose.  I never asked her.  Come to think of it, if she didn't like her date but said yes because she felt bad saying no, then that is one way to force him to keep his distance.  Her poor date, having to put up with that massive dress.  Just the bottom half though.  There is one thing about hanging out with Anna, she will definitely make you laugh.  Whether you are laughing with her or at her, she is always good for a laugh.  I could really use a good laugh.  We should hang out soon.

This Day In History: 1819
The first bicycles in the United States roll along the streets of New York City.  They were called swift walkers at the time.

Born This Day: 1952
Mr. T - American actor

"To err is human, to forgive is divine."
-Alexander Pope

Thanks to Brandon my bro in law for this awesome picture.

1 comment:

  1. Lmbo!! Thanks David for your kind words!! I actually look back on those pictures sometimes and ask myself, "What the heck was I thinking and why didn't anybody stop me??" But then I am also glad that I wore that since I have no intentions of ever getting married it also serves as the wedding dress which I will never wear. And I am so glad I can make you laugh, even if it's at me…what are friends for?? But I do agree, we should hang out soon!

    By the way I have a better "This day in history" for you:
    1932-Amelia Earhart became the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean (from Newfoundland to Ireland).
