Sunday, May 6, 2012

Day One Hundred Twenty Seven

Dear Readers,
       While continuing to watch Micah, my nephew, this morning, I had the pleasure of changing my first diaper.  It was the worst pleasure I have ever had.  Before Raina left me this morning, she was supposed to make sure he had a diaper change so I could most likely get out of it.  The plan was for Micah to have a fresh diaper that would last until his dad picked him up just an hour later.  It didn't happen that way.  About twenty minutes after Raina had left, I started to notice a really bad smell coming from Micah.  Then I noticed him picking at his diaper, like it was bothering him for some reason.  The tell tale signs that there was a hot load in that diaper, just stewing.  Come to find out, Raina left without changing Micah's diaper.  She told me to just do it, because it was just going to be pee and not a big mess.  Mind you, I have never done this before, so the thought of it completely grosses me out and scares me.  So, I figured his dad would be here soon to pick him up and he could change it when he arrived.  When he didn't show up as planned at the scheduled time, I started to worry.  Micah was picking at the diaper more frequently and I was afraid of him going again and having it spill out of hid diaper and into his pants.  So I finally manned up and went in for the kill.  It was one of the worst experiences of my life.  That hot load had to be some kind of record coming out of that two year old.  The diaper weighed about five pounds with poop about to spill over the edges.  It was awful and smelled awful.  I would like to think I have a decently strong stomach when it comes to things that gross most people out, but this one took the cake.  My stomach was turning.  How does something that foul come out of a cute little kid like that?  I had to tell Matt, Micah's dad, that he should double check my work, because I wasn't sure if I got everything.  That was one hot mess and I think I used about half of those wipes that were in the package.  I pray I never have to do that again.  I don't think I could handle it.  Call me a wuss all you want, but I think that one might end up in my nightmares tonight.  Thoroughly traumatizing.
      At least I was able to make my day better.  I went to see The Avengers for a second time.  Just as great as the first time.  I am telling you, if you haven't seen it yet, do it.  Take a day off work, it is worth it.  Scrounge up some money, break your kid's piggy bank, do what you have to do.  Sneak into the movie theater if you have to.  Okay, don't do that.  That would be wrong.  Just find a way.  You will thank me.  I had to see it one more time before I head back into the real world tomorrow.  Not looking forward to going back to work.  I wish I had taken the week off.  I guess taking Thursday off will have to suffice. 

This Day In History: 1915
Playing for the Boston Red Sox, American baseball great Babe Ruth hits his first major league home run.  The "Sultan of Swat" hit 714 round-trippers before he retired, as a new york Yankee, in 1935.

Born This Day: 1915
(George) Orson Welles - American actor

"My doctor told me to stop having intimate dinners for four - unless there are three other people."
-Orson Welles

You never know what you might dig up that was left by previous city workers, who may or may not have been drunk at the time.


  1.'re saying you guys aren't having kids any time soon? :/

  2. Breaking your kids piggy bank isn't wrong but sneaking into a movie is??? Lol
