Thursday, May 24, 2012

Day One Hundred Forty FIve

Dear Readers,
      We have hit another gear in packing.  I took half the day off of work to come home and take a few things over to my parents house.  Our dining table, which will be used at my parents house for the duration of our stay.  And most of our left over food items.  Canned foods, cereal, spices, and other assortments of food.  We also took a few bathroom items.  Don't worry, our toothbrushes are still here.  So our breath won't be rancid for the next couple of days.  Have to take care of our hygiene.  Now we are at home and we have been packing for the last five and a half hours straight.  Hitting it into overdrive to get most everything done before tomorrow.  We take the fridge and a few boxes of stuff over to my parents tomorrow.  Then take my truck to have the brakes replaced.  I haven't been able to take it for almost a month now and the guy I use is finally available this weekend.  I'm not going to wait any longer.  Besides, we are going to have a U haul truck for moving most everything.  I think I am going to be exhausted after this weekend.  It is probably going to be non stop moving.  Load up, drive and unload.  At least a handful of times this weekend.  I plan on vegging out on Monday.  One day of rest before heading back to work on Tuesday.  Of course we will be coming back on Tuesday and Wednesday to clean up the condo after everything is out.  We have had the best landlords and want to leave a really good impression and show our thanks for being such awesome landlords.  That is what makes this even harder.  I am sure if we hated our landlords we would be rushing to get out of here, regardless of leaving a mess or not.  Only one day left until MOVING DAY.
      Amongst all the craziness of my day, I managed to make it over to see a counselor and turn in my application to Cerritos College.  I found out that I did so poorly the last time I took a class there, that I had a hold on my status and am not allowed to enroll in more then four units.  Which is basically one class.  That works out for me, because I only have time for one class right now.  I enrolled in my one class and am first on the waiting list.  Hoping that at least one person will drop it or not show up to the first class.  I only need one person.  That shouldn't be too difficult, right?  The only bummer, is that it is four days a week for six weeks.  From 5:30PM - 10:00PM.  So it is going to be a rough six weeks starting at the end of June.  Lots of prayer and support from my wife will be needed to get through it.  Just have to remember that it is for our future.  To be perfectly honest, I am kind of excited to be taking some classes again.  Learning something new.  It should be fun.  Just need patience to get through these next six months.  It will fly by.
      Want to also wish a very happy and blessed birthday to our dear friend Angie Arcilla.  Although she will always be a Gibson girl to me.  Happy Birthday!!

This Day In History: 1943
Dr. Josef Mengele, who would earn the nickname "the Angel of Death," arrives at the Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland to begin his systematic killing of Jewish prisoners by injecting thousands with everything from petrol to chloroform in his "medical studies."  Mengele fled to South America at the end of World War II and assumed the name of a former Nazi.  he died of a stroke while swimming in 1979.

Born This Day: 1941
Bob Dylan - Grammy Award winning American singer, songwriter, and poet.
1980 - Angie Arcilla (Gibson)  Happy Birthday!!

"He not busy being born is busy dying."
-Bob Dylan

Our mess of boxes.

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