Thursday, May 3, 2012

Day One Hundred Twenty Four

Dear Readers,
      I love sports.  All kinds of sports.  It is the competition, the ability to do something that very few people can do.  I love watching sports because of this.  Yes, I have some favorites, such as baseball and football, but I like to learn about other sports and understand how they work.  Professional athletes can do amazing things and being able to see that happen is pretty cool.  The one sport I haven't followed very well over the years has been hockey.  I am thinking that it is mostly because I don't truly understand the rules and how the sport is played.  I should actually say, didn't.  Well, I still have a lot to learn, but I understand so much more then I did even two years ago.  There is a guy at my work, Josh, who is a huge L.A. Kings fan.  So much so that he has season tickets and follows them religiously.  Josh, is also the same person who did the pastel painting you see in the background of my daily picture.  I had never been to a hockey game, until Josh took me.  I had the pleasure of going to two Kings games.  I probably pestered him with about 100 questions of what was going on and what rules they were enforcing and why.  I just wanted to understand better.  The better I understand, the more interesting it gets to me.  Maybe I should learn how to ice skate and join a hockey league or something.  Then I would really learn about hockey.  Anyways, I have started to follow NHL hockey more and more over the last two years, and if I am going to be a fan of any team, why not the Kings.  I do love L.A. after all.  Besides, how can you not love the idea of Wayne Gretzky playing for them. 
      All this talk about the Kings brings me to my point.  They are in the playoffs, and I have a specially vested interest in them winning this year.  While in Laughlin a few weeks back, I placed a bet for the Kings to win the Stanley Cup.  If you don't follow hockey, winning the Stanley Cup is equivalent to the World Series for baseball, or the Super Bowl for Football.  It is the whole enchilada.  So, I am rooting for the Kings.  Jonathan Quick, the goalie, just stops everything.  That puck flies around and he manages to either understand where the offensive player is going to shoot, or he has very quick reflexes.  I guess he does have the namesake.  So tonight, I plan on sitting and actually watching the whole game.  Maybe get a better feel of what is going on in the game.  Yell at the television when it isn't going my way.  There is something about money being on the line that makes it that much more exciting to watch a sporting event.  Fortunately, I am in the black as far as sports betting goes.  Otherwise, I might just have to quit.  Maybe I know a thing or two about sports.  Go Kings!!!

This Day In History: 1957
Brooklyn Dodgers owner Walter O'Malley announces he will move his baseball team from New York to Los Angeles, California, after private investors agree to build a new stadium for the team in Chavez Ravine.

Born This Day: 1920
Sugar Ray Robinson - American World Middleweight Champion boxer.

"The cock may crow, but it's the hen that lays the egg."
-Margaret Thatcher

We tore up that guys front yard, and he was still the nicest guy.  I guess I wouldn't care either if I had as huge a house as that guy.

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