Monday, May 7, 2012

Day One Hundred Twenty Eight

Dear Readers,
      Why is my eye sight the first thing to go?  Okay, my vision isn't terrible, but I hate wearing glasses.  I have an astigmatism, which means my eyes have trouble focusing and I get double vision sometimes.  So, I need glasses for driving at night and when I am using the computer for long periods of time.  I don't wear them while driving, unless the blur gets bad.  Which usually happens really late at night when my eyes are tired.  I don't usually use them while on the computer, except for right now which made me think to talk about this right now.  The only time I really use them is when I play video games, first person shooters.  Everything is so much more crisp when I have them on.  I need that crispness to give me that extra reaction time.  It could mean the difference between life and death.  Yeah yeah, it's just a video game, but there is still bragging rights involved.  Back to my point though.  Vision is so important to day to day life.  I hate the thought of having to rely on a pair of glasses to allow me to read, watch television, and just do day to day things.  I have thought about getting contacts, but I have heard they can be just as bothersome.  Especially in my line of work.  I don't think contacts and all that dust would be a good mix.  Eventually, I am going to have to look into that laser eye surgery.  Although I have heard it is only temporary, and that it doesn't work for an astigmatism.  I have to do some research, because I think that will be my best option.  I hate wearing my glasses and Raina is always trying to make me wear them.  Then there is the whole problem that happens when I wear them for a while.  When I finally take them off, my vision is even more blurry then when I needed to put them on.  It takes like fifteen minutes for my eyes to adjust back to normal.  It makes me feel like I am just making my eyesight worse by going back and forth from wearing glasses to not wearing them.  Then there is the whole playing sports thing.  Glasses and sports don't mix.  You can't run with them, which makes it difficult to do just about any sport.  Then you have to worry about breaking them, and they aren't cheap to replace.  There are just too many problems that come along with having to wear glasses, so laser eye surgery is going to have to be an option.  Maybe in a few years, when I can't pass my vision test for my license anymore.  As of now, I don't need glasses to pass the test.  So until then, it is glasses free.

This Day In History: 1915
The unarmed Cunard liner Lusitania is torpedoed and sunk by a German U-boat, with the loss of over 1,000 lives.  Those killed included more than 100 Americans, a fact that is thought to have hastened American involvement in World War I.

Born This Day: 1901
Gary Cooper - American Actor
1993 - Brenna Mitte - Our beautiful niece.  Happy Birthday Brenna!!!

"A minute's success pays the failure of years."
-Robert Browning

Always giving the best customer service.  Actually this lady was pretty annoying.  I wanted to be anywhere else but there at that moment.


  1. better have mentioned me!! Best 19 year old niece ever!
