Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Day One Hundred Thirty Five

Dear Readers,
      I can't believe I am forcing myself to stay up to write this.  I knew I should have done this earlier.  It was a long day at work today.  A messy muddy water main break with a tree sitting right above the break.  It was a blast getting to rip out the tree with the backhoe, except for the part where I busted the hydraulic hose to one of the stabilizers.  That really hampered our job, which made things go a lot slower for a while.  Meaning I barely got a lunch and had to dig a good portion by hand.  It was thick quicksand mud.  Not a whole lot of fun to work in.  Regardless, it was a long day at work.  I then came home and didn't run today.  Instead I showered and fell right to sleep.  It was a nice hour long nap after work.  I really needed that, but I should have been doing my blog.  Then I wouldn't be forcing myself to stay awake right now to finish it.  I know what you are thinking.  What did I do the rest of the night?
      Well, I went to a concert.  Not some big showy concert.  Just a little show at the Galaxy in Santa Ana.  Which actually isn't the Galaxy anymore, it is called The Observatory.  We went to see a band called Flight To Mars which is a tribute band to an older band that started back in the 70's called UFO.  They were doing a concert to help raise money for Crohn's disease.  The guitarist in the band, Mike McCready from Pearl Jam, has Crohn's disease.  It was actually a really cool show in a small place.  The only problem, just another sign of me getting old, is that it was stinking loud.  I still have ringing in my ears from the concert.  I don't remember having these kinds of problems when I was in high school.  The louder the better.  At least it used to be.  Now, it hurts my ears.  Getting old sucks.  Oh well, it was a really cool show and I got to meet a fellow bearded brother there.  One of the roadie's for the band had the most awesome beards.  So, I went over and asked him about it.  He told me that he had been growing it for almost two years now and when it is wet it reaches his belly button.  I was so jealous.  Now I just have to convince Raina to let me grow it out for another year.  Somehow, I don't think that one is going to fly.  I can try though.  He told me that his wife told him only for one year, then the band saw how cool it was and convinced him to keep growing it out.  You can't disobey the band as a roadie.  That is your livelihood.  Gotta do what the band says.  Anyways, it was another busy day and late night and I am sure I am going to pay the price tomorrow.  I wonder if I will make it into work tomorrow.  Only five hours to find out.

This Day In History: 1913
American philanthropist John D. Rockefeller establishes the Rockefeller Foundation with a gift of $100,000,000 to promote the worldwide well-being of mankind.

Born This Day: 1944
George Lucas - American movie producer. (A personal hero of mine.)

"I thought Star Wars was too wacky for the general public."
-George Lucas

My picture with an awesomely epic beard.

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