Saturday, May 12, 2012

Day One Hundred Thirty Three

Dear Readers,
     Our move out date is creeping up on us faster then we are wanting it to.  I can't believe we only have two weeks left in our condo.  It seems a little sad to be leaving this place and our solitude.  Like I have said before, both Raina and I are going to miss the place.  I spent the day getting ready to get out of this place though.  This morning I moved out all of Raina's party planning material that she uses for decorating parties and such.  I took it over to Chris and Liz's house for the duration of our six months of saving.  Liz does all the party planning stuff with Raina, so it was only fitting to have all the stuff in one place.  You should check out there blog to see all the things that they have done...Raina and Liz Party Biz Ether way, it is less stuff that we have to cram into our storage unit, which makes me very thankful to them for allowing us to have some stuff there.  We talked about having a few things at my sister's house too, which would be kind of funny when we move everything into our house into the future.  Having to pick up stuff at four or five different places to fit it into one house.  By the time we are done moving out, who knows.  Maybe we will have stuff scattered amongst all our friends.  Haha. 
      After moving that stuff over to Chris and Liz's, I dragged Chris into helping me move out our older television that was in our downstairs living room.  It was one of those old tube TV styles that weighed a ton.  We had a heck of a time carrying it downstairs and putting into the back of my truck.  I think we almost dropped it about three times.  Chris bruised up his arm in the process.  Just a war wound.  Maybe it was just a little payback for the time I was helping Chris move his refrigerator and his hand slipped, dropping all the weight of the fridge on me.  That was a lot of fun.  Anyways, that TV was so stinking heavy and I am glad to be rid of it.  My sister, Yoli, was having a yard sale today.  So, I took it to her to sell.  Donating the proceeds to help fund my niece, Kailee, on her journey to becoming a cheerleader.  We drove up, lifted the TV out of the back of the truck and set it on the sidewalk.  Not two seconds later, someone was asking about the price and bought it two seconds after that.  I was worried that it might not sell and I would have to come back to pick it up to dispose of it or something.  I was so glad when the lady said she would buy it.  I was crossing my fingers, hoping she wouldn't ask us to deliver it, or help her cram it into some small two door Honda Civic or something.  Thankfully, she lived down the street and her son brought over a furniture dolly.  All we had to do was pick it up to slide the dolly underneath and watch the son roll it down the street.  Farewell you old heavy hunk of junk.  Good riddance. 
      I spent the rest of the day packing up our closet upstairs.  We have so much stuff in there.  I was packing up everything in boxes and bringing the boxes downstairs, so that when we actually move out, we won't have to carry everything down two flights of stairs on the same day.  Try to prepare as much stuff as possible to make moving day go as smoothly as possible.  Two weeks to go and we have a hectic schedule until then.  Trying to fit everything in.  Hopefully it will all work out.  I'm sure it will.  Not like we haven't moved before or anything.

This Day In History: 1932
The body of Charles Lindbergh Jr., kidnapped son of Charles and Anne Morrow Lindbergh, is found in a wooded area in Hopewell, New Jersey.  A handyman, Bruno Hauptmann, was later arrested for the crime, tried, and executed.

Born This Day: 1925
Lawrence Peter "Yogi" Berra - American Hall of Fame baseball player.

"It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog." 
- Mark Twain

Stay true to my heritage.

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