Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Day One Hundred Twenty Three

Dear Readers,
      Today, we lost a great football player.  Junior Seau.  Unfortunately, it was not because of illness or accident, but because he apparently took his own life.  At first thought, it seems difficult to believe someone like that, who always seemed full of life and energy, would decide that it was better to die then to remain here with the living.  Not that I knew him beyond what I saw of him in his playing days and what I read in the newspapers, but it was evident that he was a major life source for the football teams he played for.  Every quote I read about him in these articles today, all talk about how he was an awesome teammate and team leader, always upbeat and never in a down frame of mind.  Junior is even a miracle survivor of a car accident that saw him driven over a one hundred foot cliff after falling asleep at the wheel.  Coming out of it with minor injuries, less then two years ago.  Junior was an icon and a role model to so many young kids out there, and even to so many kids that grew up and played football themselves.  Apparently, he just threw that all away.  It seems like such a waste to me.  He could have continued to be a role model to young children and lived a life that could touch so many lives.  So many more then he already has.  Part of me hopes that it wasn't suicide and they find out it was someone else.  At least that way it wouldn't seem so selfish to me.  The thought that he took his own life, really tarnishes my view of him.  He was one of those great players that transcended the game and connected with the local community.  This is just one man's opinion, but to me it is a sad waste.
      Now to some good news for the day.  The Dodgers are officially out of the stranglehold known as Frank McCourt.  Thank the maker!  The Dodgers held a press conference today, announcing the new ownership group and allowing time for questions.  Of course, we got to hear from the face of the ownership group, Magic Johnson.  And yes, I do believe in Magic.  I have to say, I am completely thrilled about one specific thing that was mentioned.  Something that will take place very soon for all Dodger fans.  Actually there was plenty to be excited about, but the parking has been overpriced for a few years now.  A few years back, which actually happened to be my first year as a season ticket holder, the Dodgers raised parking prices from $10 to $15.  That is a 50% jump in one year.  That is a lot of money when you went to as many games as I did as a season ticket holder.  Magic announced that the price of parking would drop back down to a reasonable $10.  Not to mention also opening up batting practice, so that fans can go early to the games and watch the Dodgers bat around.  This is unheard of.  The earliest they allow people into the stadium for games now only allows time to watch the opposing team batting practice.  Then the ownership group talked about having unannounced days where players would greet fans at the gates as they enter the park.  Imagine walking into the stadium and getting to meet Matt Kemp or Clayton Kershaw.  Now I have to go to more games to improve my odds of meeting some players and maybe getting an autograph.  Needless to say, I am very excited about this new ownership group and the direction they seem to be heading.  Yes, it could all be smoke and mirrors, but I like to believe that my Dodgers are heading to much better days.  I can take pride in bleeding Dodger Blue again.  I love L.A.!

This Day In History: 1863
Confederate general Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson is accidentally wounded by his own troops in the American Civil War.  He died eight days later.

Born This Day: 1904
Bing Crosby - American singer, actor.

"Age is strictly a case of mind over matter.  If you don't mind, it doesn't matter."
-Jack Benny

Tractor ran out of gas, so we had to use slave labor. Mush, Mush, Mush!!

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