Thursday, May 17, 2012

Day One Hundred Thirty Eight

Dear Readers,
      Since I have been on the subject of life changing moves the last couple of days, I might as well talk about one other.  Going back to school.  Ever since I was kicked out of college, I had it in my mind that I would probably never go back.  Yes, I did just say that I was kicked out.  That was a long time ago and I was a much younger and much more foolish person back then.  There is that part of me that wishes I had just finished what I had started, and then there is the other part of me that is happy with the way things have turned out.  I could be living a completely different life if I had finished, and it doesn't necessarily mean a better life.  Back to my point, I have been thinking I want to go back to school.  During my first time around, I didn't really know what I wanted to do.  Now, I have a better idea of where I could go with a degree and where I would want to be.  I now know that I can stay working for the City, just doing something different.  I have been looking at the possibility of working as an Engineer.  Lately I have been doing a lot of work that has me dealing directly with our Engineering Department, which allows me to see what it is like.  I definitely could see myself doing something like that.  Only problem is, I need an education.  Especially taking some classes directly related to that field.  Which is leading me to feel the need to start taking some classes again. 
      I know that doing this while working is going to be at least twice as hard as it could have been.  Just another thing that I have to really commit to.  I am starting to feel like I am wanting to take on too many things at once.  I think this whole moving out thing is starting to motivate me a little.  I wonder how long it is going to last.  Knowing myself, it is going to be difficult to stay motivated.  Although, I find that when it comes to me improving my career, I have seen things through.  I have gotten the required certifications for my job, and have even prepared myself for advancement by getting the required certification for the next logical step for advancement.  So, why quit there?  I might as well make myself more valuable and give myself the flexibility to maybe enter into a different field, such as Engineering.  You never really know when an opportunity will present itself, so it is better to be prepared for the possibility.  You really need that paper to back up your experience.  So, I now have the experience and I need to get the paper.  I have already printed out a transcript request form for the few classes I actually finished at Oregon.  I just need to fill it out and send it in the mail.  Maybe even sign up for a summer class at Cerritos College.  Those are on my list of things to do tomorrow, along with a million other things.  It is going to be a busy day.  More packing and more researching. 
      Oh yeah, almost forgot.  The beard has now officially been growing longer then it ever has.  I am heading into unknown territory.  Exciting.

This Day In History: 1792
The New York Stock Exchange is founded by 24 brokers, signing a two sentence contract called the Buttonwood Agreement.  This took place under a buttonwood tree on what today is Wall Street.

Born This Day: 1956
Sugar Ray Leonard - American World Middleweight boxing champion.

"Progress is man's ability to complicate simplicity."
-Thor Heyerdahl

Where can I find this?

1 comment:

  1. i know a guy graduating soon from san diego in engineering…if u wanna talk with him for some "been there" knowledge let me know. going back will definitely be hard but if youre focused and its really what you want to do then its attainable! i say do it!
