Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Day One Hundred Thirty Six

Dear Readers,
      It is fairly sad to think about having to buy a new computer.  I spent a little bit of time over at Best Buy today, looking at the different computers.  Do I buy something cheap to get me by for the next few months or do I not waste the money for the next few months and just buy what I need/want.  Part of me feels like it really is a waste to buy something to get my by, when I could just use that money to put towards a computer that will last me a lot longer.  Then there is the part that really doesn't want to spend a lot of money right now.  All I want to do is save for our future home.  Why did my computer have to break right now?  Why couldn't it wait just eight months longer?  It really did have to be at the worst time didn't it?  Why does it always seem to work out that way?  Something else that really grinds my gears.  When it is the worst possible time for something to happen, more often then not, it is going to happen.  Life just works out that way sometimes.  Have to roll with the punches.  Well, sometimes I just don't want to roll with the punches.  For those of you who happen to know me, you know I can roll with just about any punch.  I can, I just usually keep to myself how much I don't want to sometimes.  This is my forum to cry about it and cry about it is exactly what I am doing.  I want my laptop back and I want it back now.  In the middle of writing tonight's blog, while using Raina's computer, it just restarted randomly on its own.  I couldn't believe it.  It was pretty annoying.  I was worried I was going to have to start over.  Thankfully, everything came back just the way it was.  It just delayed me more then anything.  Computers are one of the most helpful and infuriating inventions out there.  In the same breath they are at your fingertips to answer any of your questions, and then "catch a cold" and won't do anything you want it to do.  You love them, but they don't return the love.  They just wait for the perfect moment to break on you.  So frustrating.  And yet, life goes on and so must I.  So, lots to do these next two weeks and little time to do everything, which now includes getting a new computer that I don't want to buy right now.  Oh well, the blog must go on.
      Go Kings!!  Had to get that one in after their great win tonight.

This Day In History: 1941
American baseball player Joe DiMaggio begins his memorable major league hitting streak, which would last 56 games.

Born This Day: 1856
Lyman Frank Baum - American author of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
                                                                     -Abraham Lincoln 

What a great song.  Absolutely true.

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