Sunday, May 13, 2012

Day One Hundred Thirty Four

Dear Readers,
      Happy Mothers Day everyone.  It is a day to celebrate everything motherly out their.  All those wonderful mothers who raised us and fed us and kept us safe.  Even when we thought we knew better then them.  All the cleaning and bandaging of cuts and scrapes.  The use of the miracle saliva that is only available from a mother.  Used on tissue to clean cuts and to clean faces.  The life of sacrifice is a mothers life.  Sacrificing time, money and lots of energy to raise a snot nosed little brat such as myself.  Yes, I was a brat.  I know you can't believe it.  My mom used to have a special paddle that she used to swat us when we were bad.  This was before all the worries about possibly getting Child Protective Services called on you because you actually spank your child.  It worked for so many years, why is it now becoming "inhumane" to spank your child?  I know for a fact, that the paddle was used far more on me then it was on either of my sisters.  I think you could add up all the spankings from both my sisters and it wouldn't add up to my own.  I had a close relationship with that paddle.  I had a bad habit of putting my hands behind my back to cover my butt, thinking that it would hurt less or maybe my mom wouldn't spank me if my hands were back there.  It didn't work.  She just spanked my hands with the paddle.  That hurt bad.  I would cry and she would say that if I hadn't of put my hands back there it wouldn't have hurt so much, because of course I still got my butt paddled after having my hands smacked.  It was like a double spanking.  The thought of all those spankings makes me wince a little bit.  Looking back, I was in trouble all the time.  Knowing now what I put my mom through for all those years makes me appreciate her so much more now.  She was always there for me, always at all my sporting events, always supporting whatever it was that I wanted to do.  Always teaching me responsibility.  It didn't always take, but what did take, I am thankful for.  I owe so much to who I am now to my mom and I lover her for it.  So I thanked my mom today by helping to cook dinner and getting her some flowers and a card.  Just barely scratching the surface of being able to repay her for all the things she did for me.  Love you mom.
      I have some sad news to go along with celebrating Mothers Day.  Last night my laptop froze up as I was trying to shut if off.  Then, it wouldn't boot up this morning.  So I took it over to the Geek Squad at Best Buy today and they told me that my motherboard had crashed.  Sad sad news.  The cost to repair something like that is the same price it could cost to buy a new laptop.  So, here I am doing my blog on Raina's computer.  I already miss my laptop.  I have to get used to using a regular keyboard again.  I don't know what I am going to do.  I wanted to buy a desktop as my next computer, thinking I would still have the laptop for mobile use.  Now I have nothing and have to decide what computer to get.  I am going to need something when we move.  Raina's computer is going to her mom's house, because there won't be room for it at my parents house.  So, do I buy a laptop to make it easier to use while at my parents house, or do I get a more reliable desktop but might not have enough room for it while at my parents.  Then we would have two desktops.  That seems a little redundant.  Ideally, I would have had the laptop last until we bought a house and I could have bought Raina a new desktop for the house.  It wasn't meant to be and I am out a computer for a little while, while I make a decision on what to do.  What to do, what to do?

This Day In History: 1864
A Confederate prisoner of the American Civil War, who died at a local hospital, is buried on the Arlington House grounds on the Potomac River opposite Washington, D.C.  His was the first burial in what is now Arlington Cemetery.

Born This Day: 1941
Ritchie Valens - Venezuelan born singer

"Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves."
                                                                     -Albert Einstein 

  It speaks the truth.

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