Saturday, May 5, 2012

Day One Hundred Twenty Five

Dear Readers,
      I can't believe today is not a holiday.  I am really regretting my decision to go into work, as opposed to staying home and watching the original Star Wars Trilogy.  Yes, may the 4th be with you, always.  It is National Star Wars Day.  It is an excuse for me to be even more of a nerd then I already am.  If you are anywhere near my age and Star Wars isn't one of your favorite movies of all time, then there is something wrong with you.  I am not talking about the prequels that came out in the early 2000's, I am talking about the originals.  The newer ones were entertaining, but they could have and should have been so much better.  The originals though, are a masterpiece.  Space age knights fighting with lightsabers, space fighter jets shooting lasers and proton torpedoes, a giant space station of death, a bad guy that is part robot, a giant walking carpet that can rip peoples arms out of their sockets when the lose, Jedi's that have the power to control peoples minds and use the force to lift and throw objects and an assortment of other useful things, giant AT-AT's, bounty hunters, Boba Fett, and Boba Fett.  I mean, how cool is Boba Fett.  He has the coolest armor and gadgets.  Not to mention, a freaking JET PACK!  Who doesn't want a jet pack.  Imagine being Boba Fett, with a jet pack, and having the power of the force and a lightsaber.  That would be the ultimate.  All you would need is a Millennium Falcon that can do the Kessel Run in less then twelve parsecs.  Although, the Slave I is a pretty stinking cool ship too. 
      Okay, I did the first half of this blog and then had to leave to the theater to see The Avengers.  So I am shifting gears, because it was freaking fantastically awesomely spectacular.  This is the first movie in a very long time to not only meet my expectations, but totally exceed them.  The writing was great, the acting was superb, and the action was...I don't even have words for how awesome this movie was.  There was even great comedic timing.  Made me laugh so many times.  I recommend this movie to everyone.  Joss Whedon, the director, blew me away with how good this movie turned out.  I was totally geeking out the entire time.  So much so that my wife was making fun of me for it afterward.  She just doesn't understand.  Childhood heroes coming to life on the big screen and then blowing things up and awesome fights.  Getting to see so many of my comic book heroes from my youth come alive right before my eyes.  I have to see this movie again.  Maybe tomorrow.  Who wants to go see it with me?  You know you want to.

This Day In History: 1932
In Chicago, Illinois, crime boss Al Capone is convicted not for the murders of which he is suspected, but on charges of federal income tax evasion.  He was sentenced to 11 years in prison.

Born This Day: 1929
Audrey Hepburn - Academy Award winning Belgian acress.

"Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity."
-Horace Mann

Okay there aren't any beards, but at least Thor has some scruff.  It is still freaking cool.

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