Monday, April 30, 2012

Day One Hundred Twenty One

Dear Readers,
      Quick update on my wife's blog from the other day.  She talked about a young child that went into a seizure and was taken to the hospital.  First of all, thank you for all the prayers out there, it sounds like they made a difference.  Raina called the school today to find out any news on the hospitalized child.  It turns out that the kid was unconscious and on a respirator for the weekend.  Then early this morning, he regained consciousness and was asked a variety of questions by the doctor to see if he understood enough about where he was and what was going on.  He responded well to the questioning and it has been said that it is a miracle he is doing as well as he is.  So again, I say thank you for the prayers on behalf of this miracle child.
      It is pretty late, so this is probably going to be short.  Why do I get stuck doing this so late sometimes.  This gets pretty difficult to do everyday at times.  The day just goes by too quickly, and before you know it you are about to run out of time.  Anyways, we went to our friend's house for dinner tonight, Chris and Liz.  Raina and Liz do some side work decorating for parties and weddings and making candy stations and that sort.  It has a wonderful name, Raina Liz Party Biz.  Doesn't it have a nice ring to it?  Well, Raina and Liz had some work to do for some upcoming parties, so we went over.  Usually what happens is Raina and Liz get to work, while Chris and I get to killing some bad guys.  Whether it is some Call of Duty or Gears of War, it is time for us to do work.  Gears of War has a certain game mode that Chris and I have been trying to beat since the game came out like six or seven months ago.  We have tried and tried, over and over again.  We have come very close a handful of times, to no avail.  Well, all that hard work finally paid off.  We finally beat it.  Most of you aren't going to understand, but those of you who play video games will get it.  It had been so frustrating to get so close and not accomplish the goal.  Over and over and over again.  There is a certain sense of relief and satisfaction for a gamer when everything finally comes together and you accomplish the goal.  I know it is just a video game to most of you, but for a gamer such as Chris and myself, it was much more.  Just another thing for us to geek out about a little.  Luckily, there were no calls from work to interrupt.  Hopefully none for the rest of the night, unlike last night.  Getting woken up in the middle of the night and then having to work the next day is the worst part about being on call.  It doesn't happen very often, just enough to make you dread it.  Praying for a restful nights sleep.  Goodnight everyone.

This Day In History: 1939
The New York World's Fair opens on 1,200 acres at Flushing Meadow Park in Queens, featuring futuristic technologies such as FM radio and fluorescent lighting.

Born This Day: 1933
Willie Nelson - American singer/songwriter

"Politics is not a bad profession.  If you succeed there are many rewards.  If you disgrace yourself, you can always write a book."
-Ronald W. Reagan

Yup, the Dark Knight Beard.

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