Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Day One Hundred Fifty

Dear Readers,
      My first day back to work after moving to my parent's house.  This really stinks, having to get up earlier.  I start work at 6:30AM and when we were living at our condo, I could leave by 6:15AM and still have time to spare.  Now, I have to be up a half hour earlier and if I am not out the door by 6:00AM, then I am going to be late.  Even then, sometimes there is an accident on the freeway causing enough traffic to make me late.  On top of all that, I am going to be carpooling with a co worker who lives in the next city over.  Which means I have to leave another fifteen minutes earlier.  This is hard to get used to again.  I did it for a few years so you would think it wouldn't be too difficult getting back into the swing of things, but those two years of living just up the road really spoiled me.  Oh well, just have to go to bed a little sooner. 
      One really nice thing about living with my parents again, is that the neighborhood is very peaceful and great for our daily runs.  There is a four block radius that we have mapped out to 1.5 miles every time around.  So, you run it twice around and you have 3 miles for the day.  We have been here for three days and have already been running on two of them.  Another thing that is going to be great about living here, is we have great places to go on bike rides, and a place to store the bikes.  At the condo there was no room for storing bikes and we didn't want to keep them locked up in the carport.  I bought Raina a nice bike a few years back and I know she is pretty excited to get the dust off of it and get riding.  A nice ride to the beach or maybe to the park for a picnic.  I am looking forward to a lot more outdoor activities this summer.  Volleyball and Badminton in the park.  Swimming at the local pool.  Riding bikes on the riverbed.  Running in the neighborhood.  Horseshoes, Frisbee golf, actual golf, maybe even join a softball summer league.  I plan on being active this summer.  Take advantage of those things while my body will still allow it.  Who knows, maybe even take up a little archery at the range at El Dorado park.  Some camping and fishing would be spectacular.  I am taking this summer back to the days of what summers were like back in the 50's and 60's.  At least what I imagine them to be in my head, and what the movies show me.  Don't want to forget all the barbequing, starting with last nights kick off to the summer.  I know, I know.  Summer isn't until June 20th, but here in good old Southern California, home of the best weather in the world, it is warm enough to be summer.  So why not start early on the summer activities?  As long as weather permits, you should take full advantage of it.  Don't let me be the only one having all the fun.  Especially those of you with kids.  They will thank you for it when they are grown.

This Day In History: 1943
American artist Norman Rockwell's portrait of "Rosie the Riveter" appears on the cover of the Saturday Evening Post.  It was a tribute to women on the home front working in defense plants in World War II.

Born This Day:1917
John Fitzgerald Kennedy - 35th U.S. president

"Conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth."
-John F. Kennedy

Nananananananana Nananananana Batstache!

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