Sunday, May 20, 2012

Day One Hundred Forty One

Dear Readers,
      Packing packing and more packing.  That is about all I did today.  I keep pulling more stuff out of the closet and out of drawers to pack and there is an unending supply of stuff to pack.  It is like Mary Poppins carpet bag, I have no idea how all that stuff fits in our house.  And we haven't even started packing our own closets and the kitchen cabinets.  No wonder we need a bigger place to live so badly.  We can't possibly fit anything else in this place.  I spent all day packing our upstairs closet, and there is still stuff in there.  It is never going to end.  Just have to keep trudging along. 
      I can't believe the Kings lost today.  Oh well, at least they won't have too much time off before they have to play in the Stanley Cup series this way.  At least the Dodgers pulled out a victory tonight, sweeping the World Series champion Cardinals.  Also maintaining their league best record.  It really is a good time to be a Dodger fan.  Which takes me to a couple of weeks ago when Raina and I went to a Dodger game with Brandon and Brooke.  Brooke happens to know a player from the Colorado Rockies who happened to get us tickets to the game.  I'm not gonna turn down free when the Dodgers are doing as well as they are.  Raina and I went in our usual Dodger's gear, but when we showed up at Brandon and Brooke's house to head to the game together, we noticed that they weren't wearing anything with a Dodgers logo on it.  I couldn't believe my eyes, considering Brandon is supposedly a huge Dodger fan.  At least he led me to believe he was, until that night.  Apparently since we were planning on meeting up with this guy after the game, they dress up a little just in case we went somewhere nice.  Which is apparently what happened the last time they went to one of his games and went out afterwards.  The other reason for no Dodgers gear was because they didn't want to offend him or make him upset when they saw him.  I could not believe that Brandon would allow Brooke not to wear anything Dodgers related, and even allow himself to go without Dodgers gear.  I don't think I have ever been to a game with him where he didn't wear something Dodgers.  I was pretty upset to see him adjust his fanaticism to not offend someone.  I told them that it was gonna be their fault if the Dodgers lost that game.  Fortunately for them I am so much of a fan that I covered for their lack of concern for baseball superstition to allow the Dodgers to win that game.  So, the next time Brandon talks about being a huge Dodger fan, make sure you understand that he has limits to his love for the Dodgers.  He really isn't as much of a fan as he says he is.  He is going to have to do something drastic to make up for his disregard for the Dodgers.  Terrible.  I think Vin would be ashamed of him too. 
      The other thing about going to that game with the fake fans, was that if we did happen to go out to some fancy place after the game, they didn't tell us so we could be dressed appropriately.  They let us show up in casual game day clothing.  I was just wearing shorts and a Dodger shirt and a Dodger jacket while Raina was wearing jeans and a Dodger jersey.  Sheesh.  So there was two things about that night to give them a hard time about.  I just am thankful the Dodgers won that game.  Oh, and the guy that Brooke knows actually played in that game and Andre Ethier hit a home run off of him.  The funny part about that was that Brooke's favorite player is Ethier.  So she was pretty torn at that moment and mentioned it, not two seconds before he hit it.  It was great.  I was being my obnoxious self about it, giving her a hard time for it.  Saying it was her fault that Ethier hit the bomb.  All in all, a great game to go to.

This Day In History: 1932
American aviator Amelia Earhart takes off from Newfoundland on a flight to Ireland.  She was the first woman to fly the Atlantic solo.

Born This Day: 1908
James Stewart - Academy Award winning American actor.

"Nothing so fortifies a friendship as a belief on the part of one friend that he is superior to the other."
-Honore de Balzac

Just a little taste of our madness of a home right now.  Boxes everywhere.

1 comment:

  1. mean just mean...but then again i am not charging my parents $6 dollars for a cable box when I am living there rent free. WOW! that is all I have to say is "WOW".
