Thursday, May 31, 2012

Day One Hundred Fifty Two

Dear Readers,
      The era of the condo has officially ended.  We turned in our keys and gate clickers today.  I have to mention again that we did have the best landlords we could have asked for.  They were so thankful that we kept the place clean and nice and didn't destroy it.  They even gave us back our whole deposit.  Which is a nice little bonus to have.  It is going straight into the savings account.  Anything that wasn't planned on is being saved.  We weren't expecting to have it anyways, so we won't miss it.  It was also nice to here that our landlords were actually going to move into the condo themselves.  They had originally bought it for themselves, but the ladies father got really sick and she had to stay at home to take care of him.  She told me today that he is doing much better and they will finally get to use the house they purchased and upgraded for themselves in the first place.  Good for them.  So, I drove out of that Crosspointe Village for the last time.  Got all our mail and did one final walk through to make sure we didn't miss anything.  Again, it was sad, but brought a little excitement to the prospect of our very own home.  We cannot wait.
      I was meeting the landlord at 6:30PM, which left me some time between work and meeting her to kill some time.  I didn't want to drive home and then all the way back after showering, so I took some clothes with me and went to the gym.  It was the first time walking back into the gym in quite some time.  It felt really good to lift some weights after doing nothing but running and push ups in the last month or so.  I know I am going to be sore tomorrow, but it will all be worth it.  I really need to be going to the gym.  Especially now.  I haven't been doing as much laborious work at my job lately, so I need to do something physically challenging to make up for it.  Spartan Race here I come.
      Just a quick question to everyone.  Have you ever bought a shirt and left the tag on, so that you could take the shirt or any other item of clothing back after wearing it?  I ask because the other day, my brother in law, Brandon, forgot to take off the tag from a new shirt he wore the other day.  So, I was giving him a hard time, telling him that he intended to take the shirt back afterwards.  Although, I don't know how he didn't feel that tag scratching his back the entire night, so I wonder if he did intend to take it back.  Hmmm.  It made me think, is there actually people out there that do that kind of thing?  I don't think I could ever do it, but there must be someone out there who has and does.  Otherwise, where would Hollywood get the idea to use it in television and movies from?  Don't be too proud to admit it.  If you have done it, I give you props for saving a little money.  Let me hear your stories.

This Day In History: 1985
John Sculley, president of the American computer company Apple, removes co-founder Steve Jobs from his job as head of the Macintosh unit.  Sales of the Macintosh computers had fallen far below expectations in their first year, despite fanfare by Apple, leading to a feud between the two men.

Born This Day: 1930
Clint Eastwood - Actor, director, and producer.

"Few men have virtue to withstand the highest bidder."
-George Washington

Even House had an awesome beard.

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