Sunday, December 2, 2012

Day Three Hundred Thirty Six

Dear Readers,
      The Spartan Race finally happened.  It has been a long eight or nine months since I got the inkling to try this out.  I dragged my brother in laws into it with me.  Not to mention my nephew Jeremiah.  I had a blast.  It was pain and suffering, but it was an accomplishment to be proud of.  At least I think so.  It was cold and rainy in Malibu, which didn't help with the waiting before starting the race.  We had to show up early so that Brent and Jeremiah could sign their waiver form and pick up their race packets.  Well, early was way too early it turns out.  We showed up about 9:45AM and were already set up and waiting by 10:15AM.  So, there we were walking around watching people finish the race, getting knocked down by guys with jousting paddles that look like they just arrived from American Gladiators.  The paddles that is.  It was getting to be a long wait, so we just left with one of the earlier heats instead of waiting for ours at 12:30PM.  As long as it took us, I am glad we did.  It was a rousing Spartan speech after stretching, and then we were off.  Taking off on a run and starting everything off right by forcing us to jump into freezing cold water and having to wade across a large pond.  Water so cold it takes your breath away.  Then climbing over rocks and logs and around the corner, it was straight up a hill for what seemed like a mile.  After wading through the cold water, it made it hard to control my breathing while trying to run up hill.  It got bad enough that I had to stop running and change my pace to a hike up the hill.  I made it all the way to the top, only to see a big rope climbing apparatus.  Doing a spiderman crawl up and over and getting to the other side ready to catch my breath.  As I am standing there, waiting for the other three to catch up, I start to wonder how far behind they are.  Jeremiah wasn't too far behind.  I watched him get up and over while still looking out for Brandon and Brent.  So, we waited, and waited, and waited.  Finally Jeremiah went back to see where they were.  A little bit later, he shows up with Brandon, but no Brent.  It turns out, the cold water seemed to affect his legs quite a bit.  To the point that all his energy was sapped out of his legs and had to stop.  It was so bad that he said he was done and was going to head back.  Telling Brandon to go on while he walked back, leaving the three of us to finish together.  It was tough, and at times very tough.  It was awesome at the same time though.  Climbing walls, crawling under walls, carrying heavy sandbags over walls and down hills, then back up hills, and even throwing a spear.  The worst part though, was the crawling under barbed wire in the mud.  It was uphill and near the end of the run.  So many people crammed under barbed wire trying to crawl and roll and slide anyway possible to get up that hill.  My back started hurting.  My wrists starting hurting.  I was getting little scratches all over from the rocks in the mud we were crawling through, all while avoiding barbed wire above our heads.  You go though the crawl and come out on the other side, only to turn the corner right after and find another section of barbed wire to crawl under.  It was disheartening.  I think I was more relieved to be finished with those then I was to be done with the whole thing.  It was still a great feeling to complete it though.  Brandon, Jeremiah and I worked hard to get through it.  It wasn't pretty, but we got it done. 
      The best part about the whole day though, was what happened after.  We finished and asked where Brent was.  Turns out, they didn't know.  They, being Raina, Brooke, and Brent's wife, Yvonne.  They though he was with us.  So they all started getting worried about him, wondering where he went.  Thinking the worst, they headed over to the first aid tent, which hadn't seen him.  We looked all over and was just about to make someone go looking for him on the course, when he showed up.  Covered in mud.  It turns out he finished the race.  He had rested for a while and started thinking about how we might never let him live down the fact that he didn't finish, and then thought about all the guys from work he told about the race and how they would never let him hear the end of how he didn't finish.  That was enough motivation for him to keep on going, after enough rest.  He finished about thirty minutes behind us, but he did it.  That is determination for you.  It just bummed me out that I didn't get to see it happen or go through it with him.  At least he did it.  It just means I have to hurry up and sign us up for next years to see it.  By the way, you should have seen how upset Raina was to see Brent.  She looked like she wanted to hit him.  All because we didn't know where he was.  I had a great time and am looking forward to many more of these types of races.  I even got a medal for all my hard work.

This Day In History: 1887
Scottish author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's character Sherlock Holmes first appears in print in Study in Scarlet.

Born This Day: 1940
Richard Pryor - American comedian and actor.

"If you want to make God laugh, tell Him your future plans."
-Woody Allen

Spartan Race Pics.
It is finally here.

Can't you see how excited we are?

Love Brandon's stretches.

Special stretches.
A little mid race photo.

Belly crawl. Worst part of the whole race.

Almost there.
I made it!!
Yeah, it was a little muddy.

We found him.

Brent just had to get us muddy after we just got cleaned up.

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