Friday, December 28, 2012

Day Three Hundred Sixty Three

Dear Readers,
      Day two of working over my vacation. It is a rough one today. Sitting in my truck, planning out our trip to London and trying to finish The Hobbit. Now I can even get some work done on my blog. These are hard days. Okay, you and I both know that isn't true, but I'm going to make the most of it before I go back to real work and having to live out of a dufflebag for a week. I'm really not looking forward to that. So, easy overtime today and time spent with my wife tonight and tomorrow. I hear it is pot roast night. Looking forward to that. Picking up the meat on my way home.  
      Okay, I have already had dinner now and it was fabulous. I should have taken a picture of the finished product, but I was too excited and forgot about it. A pile of mashed potatoes topped off with beef pot roast and then smothered with a sauce Raina makes from the pot roast juices and vegetables.  Delicious. I have only had the pleasure of the pot roast twice now since I bought her the Dutch oven.  I can't wait until she finds another recipe to try out. It probably won't happen until we get our house. Just a little incentive to hurry up and get our own home. Hopefully it will bring out the cook in my wife again. It might help if she wasn't working so much too.
      Our dinner date in turned into a family event. First, my mom ended up babysitting my two nephews, Joseph and Joshua. They are staying the night. Then, Yoli found out that Raina was busting out a little Julia Child in herself and decided she wanted in on it. So, Matt and Yoli and Micah also made the trek over here. Making it one full house. Thankfully, there was enough food for everyone and even enough for leftovers. It transformed our night together into a hectic mess of kids and food and a little bit of Lego's. All great fun. I had a blast playing Lego's with Joseph. Even though it was mostly me just building his toy for him so that he could play it. Taking me back to my childhood. Also making me wish I had my Lego's so I could build again. It isn't playing with, it is building. Being an architect. Design and construction. Adults don't play Lego's. At least that is my way of justifying what I do. I think there are plenty others out there who would agree.
This Day In History: 1945
The U.S. Pledge of Allegiance is officially recognized by Congress.

Born This Day: 1954
Denzel Washington - Academy Award winning American actor.
2006 - Janie Garrard - One of the kids Raina has babysat for since birth pretty much.

"Insanity is hereditary--you get it from your children."
-Sam Levenson

Man I wanted to be an archeologist when I was a kid. If this were real I just might have.

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