Thursday, December 6, 2012

Day Three Hundred Forty One

Dear Readers,
      Last night, Raina and I went out for the first time in a while.  Just the two of us.  A delightful dinner at Kabuki.  We both love sushi and would eat there once a week if it wasn't so pricey every time we go.  It was a pleasant evening together though.  Even though we had to go late.  Raina got stuck working later then she thought she was.  She was so hungry when coming home to pick me up that she called me to meet her outside and told me that if I wasn't out there in two minutes, then she was going to leave me behind and go to Taco Bell.  She was so hungry that she was willing to give up a fantastic dinner of sushi, just to get some food in her stomach.  Poor thing must have been starving like one of those kids you see on those commercials asking for money to help feed them.  I was worried she might actually leave me behind too.  So, I had to rush getting my shoes on and turning off the game I was playing, running by my parents who are trying to ask where I am going, and rush out the door and hopping into the truck.  I know Raina must have been hungry, because she drove us.  Normally, she would get out of the car and be waiting for me in the passenger seat so that I could drive.  Just shows how serious she was about ditching me.  I made it just in the nick of time though.  Heading our for a nice little date with my wife.  Our dates are few and far between.  With our busy schedules filling up our time with work, family activities, and events to attend, it makes it difficult for us to get out alone together.  It probably doesn't help that I am a poor planner.  Usually leaving all our planning to Raina.  I know Raina would rather I spend the time planning a date for use.  Usually it is her telling me that a certain night coming up is date night.  Then I know that I need to set aside that evening or day for us to do something.  I think that is something that I am going to work on improving.  Setting aside date nights for the two of us and actually planning on where to go and what to do.  I am sure I am still going to struggle, but if I can at least improve a little at a time, it is something. 

This Day In History: 1865
The 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is ratified, officially ending the institution of slavery.

Born This Day: 1816
Sir John Brown - English engineer who created the first steel rails and armor plating for warships.

"The sooner you get behind, the more time you have to catch up."
-Steven Wright

Can't wait for this movie.  Look at all the great beards.

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